In response to an influx of Haitian immigrants in the area, several Indianapolis community groups joined forces to support them. These groups connect them to English language services, job opportunities, advocacy support, and assistance in registering their children for school or getting a driver’s license, all while fostering a sense of community and connection.
Read MoreGravity batteries can store excess renewable energy in abandoned mine shafts, offering coal-dependent communities economic and environmental benefits. This energy storage tactic is being used in various iterations around the globe.
Read MoreCommunity Solutions provides support and data analysis for municipalities trying to reach “functional zero,” when it becomes rare for a specific population, such as veterans or people who are chronically unhoused, to fall into homelessness. The milestone has been achieved by several communities, including Rockford, Illinois, and Abilene, Texas, but some, such as Bergen County, New Jersey, have struggled to maintain the standard long-term.
Read MoreIn an effort to combat cultural stigma, misinformation and harmful behaviors, several groups and individuals are emerging to teach women about sexual health, pleasure and overall wellness, particularly in rural areas where information is sparse.
Read MoreThe Youth and Environmental Advocacy Center, in collaboration with NXT Grid, built a solar-powered mini-grid in a rural area to connect community members with power, some of whom were being connected for the first time. Community members donated to help fund the project, resulting in 200 of the 262 structures in the area receiving electricity.
Read MoreThe Safe Space for Women and Girls plants neem trees around the Adré refugee camp with the goal of combatting the effects of deforestation while also providing purpose and hope for refugees living at the camp. Women involved in the organization are trained to craft products such as bags and jewelry from the neem tree oil and wood, with the proceeds of these goods reinvested into conservation efforts. So far, the organization has planted more than 300 trees.
Read MoreVarious initiatives are restoring farmlands to peatlands, which is helping lower CO2 levels in agriculture and create markets for the native grasses, reeds and sedges that peatlands support.
Read MoreThough not without certain flaws, GoFundMe has facilitated critical and rapid financial support for thousands of people. The company charges a 2.9 percent fee on all donations, as well as 30 cents for every transaction, to cover credit card and bank transaction fees, but its primary source of revenue is voluntary tips.
Read MoreThe Awra Amba community is founded on broad values such as gender equality of labor, women’s rights, children’s rights, and caring for the elderly and vulnerable, and residents work together on 15 democratically elected committees to make key decisions. Research shows that the community has achieved higher life expectancy, literacy rates, and measures of gender equality than the country’s national averages.
Read MoreThe Healthy Opportunities pilot program uses Medicaid dollars to address non-medical needs like food access, transportation and housing. Since launching in 2022, the program has assisted nearly 30,000 people in 33 of the state’s 100 counties. Research shows the state is spending about $85 less in medical costs per month for each participant, and lawmakers are currently weighing whether to expand the program.
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