Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why Singapore Has One of the Highest Home Ownership Rates

    Affordable housing in Singapore has resulted in one of the highest rates of home ownership in the world. In 1964 the government embraced a "Home Ownership for the People Scheme" in which it gave lower and middle-income citizens access to affordable home ownership. Subsidized apartments were sold at low prices and were not to be sold for at least five years after which the real estate value had risen significantly. Apartments sold in 2009, for example, gained almost half a million dollars in value by 2020. New subsidized apartments are under construction and 16,000 have already been sold in the past year.

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  • In Migrant Worker Camps, Wifi Is a Basic Utility

    To expand wifi access during the coronavirus pandemic for those who work in the agricultural community and in migrant farmworker camps, the City of The Dalles partnered and collaborated with Google and other community businesses to purchase hot spots and Chromebooks for farmworkers to use. The hot spots don't work in all areas of the county, but in the orchards with cell service where they have been installed, they have been helping to provide access to telemedicine and educational services.

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  • Community Workers Lend Human Connection To COVID-19 Response

    Community health workers have long been helping people navigate the intersection of health care and social services in the United States, such as in Philadelphia, where one program stands out for its overall design and continuous rigorous evaluation. Studies of the program indicate that those who worked with community health workers improved their overall health compared to those who received standard care. Now, as many cities navigate the Covid-19 pandemic, some officials see an opportunity to expand the workforce to also provide "social, material and psychological support."

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  • In Mathare, clean water is music, as Billian shields the Kenyan slum against COVID-19

    In Kenya's rural communities and densely populated areas, accessing sanitation and hygiene methods can be difficult, but in one slum, a nonprofit organization has teamed up with a group of young men in the community to help increase access during the Covid-19 pandemic. Together, they are providing free water and food vouchers to families and setting up hand washing stations throughoutut the area.

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  • 'Black At' Instagram accounts put campus racism on display Audio icon

    Students at colleges across the U.S. are taking to social media to confront racism and biases at their campuses. Over 40 "Black at" Instagram accounts were launched in June on which students share their personal stories of racism on campus, educate interested parties through reading lists, and share resources for those wanting to confront their biases and be actively antiracist. Many of the accounts have garnered large followings, and some have even raised thousands of dollars to support defense funds and community centers.

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  • Could alternative, transition scheduling help the unemployed re-enter the workforce?

    A pilot program has successfully launched an alternative-schedule employment initiative that eliminates barriers for employees who are kept out of the workforce because they are unable to work full time. Obstacles such as affordable childcare or access to reliable transportation are often reasons that people are unable to commit to a full workweek, making them harder to employ. Temp2Higher, the agency running the pilot, provided coaching to help participants manage barriers to full-time employment. The pilot program had a 30 percent success rate, which was considered a success for temp-to-hire employment.

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  • How one Seattle teacher kept his kindergartners engaged through the coronavirus closures Audio icon

    When many schools across the U.S. suspended in-person school and switched to virtual learning, a teacher was able to successfully keep his students motivated and hopeful despite the drastic decrease in physical interaction. Kevin Gallagher, a kindergarten teacher, recorded his lessons and uploaded them to YouTube where his students could watch at their convenience, and engaged his students through the use of fun props, as well as talking to them about the realities of living through the pandemic.

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  • Breaking down the disability stigma, one creation at a time

    A collaborative movement in Indonesia is creating job opportunities within the creative sector for those living with disabilities. Gerakan Kreabilitas holds workshops and events to provide business training through mentors who provide their expertise and business connections in supporting the micro-enterprises. The program also does outreach to local businesses and government officials to reduce barriers and stigmas faced by disabled Indonesians seeking work.

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  • Comprehensive Services Key In Deterring Violence, Crime and Negative Interactions With Police

    Two programs targeting two types of problems have been successful with one common element: interventions that provide needed social services rather than rely only on police responses. In Baltimore, shootings and homicides in the Belair-Edison neighborhood are down 20% in the year since the Safe Streets program put violence interrupters on the street to cool disputes before they turn violent. In Dallas, the Rapid Integrated Group Healthcare Team's medical and social-worker responses to mental health crises reduced emergency room admissions 30%, replacing arrests with social and health services.

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  • Texas's High School Voter Registration Law Fails to Live Up to Ideals

    A Texas law requiring high school principals to register eligible student voters has failed because it is unequally carried out, not enforceable or tracked, and other obstacles to vote prevent students from casting ballots. While the law was an impressive attempt to increase the civic participation of young people, many high schools have not participated. A 2019 report shows that only 38% of schools with at least 20 seniors requested voter registration forms. A confounding obstacle is a 2013 voter ID law that requires voters to show one of seven forms of photo identification, but student IDs are not eligible

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