Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • COVID19: In Uganda, volunteers on bicycles are filling the gaps to deliver HIV drugs

    Strict social distancing and stay-at-home orders – including the suspension of public transportation – in Uganda during the coronavirus pandemic have made if difficult for those who need anti-retroviral (ARVs) drugs to regularly access the medications. Volunteers, however, are filling the gap by creating a detailed delivery strategy and then delivering the medications to their fellow community members by bicycle.

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  • UnCommon Law Helps Inmates Serving Life Sentences Earn Back Their Freedom

    The California law firm UnCommon Law is helping people in prison make parole through group counseling and training. The firm facilitates conversations around insight, helping participants understand and explain their own personal journey and reckon with the impact of their actions, so that they can convey this to their parole board. Since 2006, UnCommon law has helped 248 men and women receive parole, a 60% success rate.

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  • Is Macron's Grand Débat a Democratic Dawn for France?

    The Grand Débat, or Great Debate, provided channels for the public to voice their opinions regarding public policy and decision-making. It resulted in almost 2 million online suggestions, 10,000 local meetings, 16,000 complaint books, and several citizen assemblies. It was a success in terms of citizen engagement, but the process was criticized for not capturing diverse viewpoints (drawing mainly from university-educated homeowners over the age of 50) and sacrificing quality for quantity. It is unclear what reforms will come of it and some believe there were hidden political agendas behind initiating it.

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  • How do you build a city for a pandemic? Audio icon

    Major populated cities such as New York and London were once regarded as "death traps," but a series of deadly outbreaks led to structural changes that worked to improve the public health outcomes for those living there. From sewer systems to therapeutic gardens, the health of those living in cities has improved in a variety of ways, however, that has not stopped densely populated areas from turning into hotspots for coronavirus. To address this, local governments are experimenting with even more structural changes such as turning city streets into walking and biking paths.

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  • As pandemic continues, community nursing effort looks to grow in the Upper Valley

    In the New England region of the U.S., community nurses are working to fill a void in health care during the coronavirus pandemic for those who may require medical attention but do not need hospital care. As described by the co-director of the Upper Valley Community Nursing Project, "the last thing the health care system needs right now is a lot of people in the emergency room because there have been complications of their chronic diseases, or they’ve fallen or they have problems with their medications."

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  • These coal communities are protecting sick miners from COVID-19 and pushing Congress for more support

    In Tennessee and Kentucky, rural coal communities are drawing on their decades-old networks of mutual aid to protect coal miners from COVID-19. At the legislative level, the National Black Lung Association and other Appalachian groups are coming together to push for more coal miner protections in coronavirus stimulus bills. At the local level, communities are organizing phone trees to share necessary information, helping with grocery and prescription delivery, and providing greater access to broadband for those without reliable internet.

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  • To Combat Coronavirus, Scientists Are Also Breaking Down Barriers

    The research field has often been siloed, with each discipline focusing on its own lane, but in the wake of COVID0-19 the shift toward interdisciplinary research is happening – and proving necessary. Often incentivized by grant funding for siloed work, now, researchers are seeing urgent calls to work together against the pandemic. While there have been great strides made across disciplines in the past, the complex issues of our time – climate change, systemic racism, economic inequity – are causing a shift across fields.

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  • Mass. Groups Inviting People to Think Bigger About Their Stimulus Checks

    The stimulus checks sent out by the U.S. government in an attempt to alleviate the economic stress caused by the quarantine do not account for those who are undocumented, mixed-status families, and people who don't qualify for unemployment. What started as an idea between a few people grew into a state-wide fund called the Mass Redistribution Fund in which people donate their stimulus checks to those who cannot get one themselves. By April 15th the group had raised $25,000 from 54 donors and even secured a match pledge from the Hyams Foundation. Others are creating similar programs across the country.

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  • Halal donations start for Muslim medical front-liners

    Alzaky Foods is providing free halal meals to Muslim medical workers in metro Manila. Many Muslim frontline workers were surviving on fast food, crackers, or chips since food donations were not halal. Alzaky has provided more than 2,400 halal meals to over 60 government and private hospitals across the city. The company provides some of the funding in combination with external donations. Identifying Muslim medical workers is a challenge. So far they have identified 200 doctors, nurses, and other medical staff, which they believe is only about 20-30% of the actual number.

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  • How epidemiology detectives are tracing each Alaska coronavirus case

    In an effort to contain the coronavirus, Alaska nurses are stepping in as "contact tracers," as a means of investigating who should be quarantined or tested. The initiative has been credited for helping keep Alaska's rate of transmission low thus far in addition to other measures such as social distancing.

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