Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • They've managed the forest forever. It's why they're key to the climate change fight

    In Northern Quebec, scientists, government officials and researchers have seen the positive environmental effects that stem from giving indigenous groups their land rights back. Because many of these indigenous communities have closely observed and lived within the native forests, they know how to properly care for and coexist with the forest rather than cut it down; the result is a drastic decrease in deforestation as well as the restoration of indigenous land rights.

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  • Water Warriors

    After an energy company began exploring New Bruncwick territory for oil and natural gas, Indigenous tribes and white people worked together to protect their water and ban fracking. They held protests at government buildings and set up road blocks to prevent equipment trucks from getting out. Some of the protests included violent clashes with police, which made national news and drew more supporters. As a result of their actions, the government put a moratorium on fracking in the Canadian province.

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  • Z chlapca z osady je mentor, šikanované rómske dievča študuje na vysokej

    Rómsky vzdelávací fond na Slovensku pomáha deťom z rómskej komunity, ktorá v sebe nesie historickú stopu sociálnych a ekonomických znevýhodnení, ako aj etnickej diskriminácie, prekonať problémy pri ukončení strednej školy a pokračovaní vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní. Fond funguje tak, že študentom, ktorí spĺňajú podmienky, poskytuje štipendium na úhradu vzdelávacích pomôcok, ako aj školské poradenstvo a osobné mentorstvo, ktoré pomáha študentom aj rodičom prekonať sociálne prekážky, ktoré bránia študentom v túžbe alebo schopnosti naplniť svoj potenciál.

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  • How More Than 50 Women Walked Out of a Prison in Oklahoma

    More than 500 people in Oklahoma had their drug possession felony sentences commuted after voters approved an initiative that changed some drug and property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. The commutation led to a mass release of prisoners, something that took collaboration between social service groups to make sure those leaving had housing, job support, and other essentials.

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  • 'One Job Should Be Enough': How Charlotte's Low-Wage Jobs Make Housing Unaffordable

    Living-wage advocates in North Carolina have turned to the business community to address low minimum wages which prevent employees from escaping poverty. Where local and state governments are unable to pass higher minimum wages, businesses have been encouraged to increase their minimum wages and consider the benefits of lower employee turnover and less money spent on recruitment and training, despite the increased payroll costs. Nonprofits like Just Economics of Western North Carolina calculate the living wage a person should make in a specific area depending on whether they have dependents or not.

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  • Bagging a solution for leftover opioids

    The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has implemented a program that encourages those returning from being injured on the job to dispose of their leftover opioids. While the bags aren't a new concept and have shown promise in other sectors, this first-of-its-kind workers' compensation program is another way to fight the opioid epidemic and has gained support from the governor.

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  • 'Lots of us have skeletons:' South Burlington firefighters learn yoga, meditation to stay well

    Vermont’s South Burlington fire department has started offering its firefighters yoga and meditation services as a way to cope with trauma. The services are offered by the Vermont Center for Responder Wellness, which was created as a response to the traumatic experiences many first responders face. The training includes mindfulness, breathing, stretching, and refocusing.

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  • Host homes make homeless youth 'part of the family'

    The Coffee Oasis program in Port Orchard foregoes the traditional foster system and instead directly pairs homeless youth with a host family. Host families like the Coffee Oasis allow stable environments for teens or children on the verge of homelessness, allowing them to focus on issues like getting on track with school or finding a job.

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  • Rural Wisconsin communities seek paths to better health care future

    In order to keep already existing health care facilities open while also planning for the possibility of future expansions, a county in rural Iowa is looking for ways to attract new residents to the area. After considering research that shows "having walkable, bikeable communities improves health and the economy," local officials have launched a trail project that promotes physical health as well as a means of transportation.

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  • How entrepreneurs are designing a trans-inclusive future through clothing

    More entrepreneurs are designing and producing apparel with transgender consumers in mind. It is often difficult to for trans individuals to find apparel that fits their bodies well. But several designers are making masculine, feminine, and gender-neutral apparel to better fit trans bodies, and many are also using trans models to showcase the apparel. Although trans people’s bodies are as diverse as cis people’s bodies, finding clothes and accessories that fit better and more accurately represent their gender identities can boost confidence, reduce gender dysphoria, and communicate their gender to society.

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