Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Green burials: Everything you need to know about the growing trend

    Green burials—the practice of burying a body in the earth with the intention of it decomposing naturally—are becoming more popular across Canada as people become aware of the high prices and environmental damage that come with traditional burials. The idea also lends itself to a communal enjoyment of the land: plots are reused and the spot remains unmarked. This practice is low-impact and offers other creative ways for people to bury their loved ones.

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  • Colorado's family planning program shows Teton County how it's done

    Reducing the cost and increasing access to long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) improves family planning outcomes for patients attending Title X clinics. With an initial infusion of philanthropic funds, Colorado’s Title X health clinics lowered the cost of IUDs and LARCs. The program then became sustainable through an expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Under the current administration, restriction to Title X programs put into question the applicability of Colorado’s model in neighboring states.

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  • A Police Department's Difficult Assignment: Atonement

    The city of Stockton police department has embarked on a number of initiatives in the hopes of building trust between them and the communities they work for. With initial funding from the Department of Justice, the department began truth-and-reconciliation processes, including workshops, departmental reforms, public apologies, and community conversations. Actual reconciliation is hard to measure, and yet their efforts to atone for their part in historic and systemic racism have shown positive results.

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  • NYC: Where the Police Offer a Free Art Class Instead of Prosecution

    Since 2015, Project Reset has diverted potential criminal cases to programs that change behaviors without imposing punishment or staining people's records with criminal convictions. Art classes, behavioral therapy, and restorative dialogue have made 16- and 17-year-olds in the program significantly less likely to commit new offenses, while 98% of those admitted to the program have completed it. Offered in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Bronx, the program helped the Manhattan district attorney nearly cut in half the number of prosecutions of low-level misdemeanors and violations.

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  • A Colorado college boosts income share agreements for DACA students

    Colorado Mountain College has figured out a way to help its undocumented students, who are usually unable to qualify for scholarships, pursue an education by helping them pay through income sharing agreements. The agreements are a contract between the school and the student, but the students' loan incurs no interest, meaning they won't be overloaded with unpayable debt when they finish their degree. CMC has also capped its loan amounts at $3,000 per year, and when students graduate their repayment rate is "4% of the borrower's earned income once that income surpasses $30,000."

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  • To Treat Chronic Ailments, Fix Diet First

    California's version of Medicaid, called Medi-Cal, has launched a pilot that provides strict nutrition guidelines for individuals with a chronic illness, as a way to help keep them from having to visit the hospital. For many patients, a change in diet can help with inflammation and reduce painful or uncomfortable symptoms of their diseases. A study of the pilot program showed drastic decreases in medical costs for these patients, as well as in inpatient and emergency room visits.

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  • A New Housing Program to Fight Poverty has an Unexpected History

    The long-term results of the Gautreaux program, which was intended to reduce poverty, show upward mobility for children of families that were involved in the initiative. The experiment in desegregating neighborhoods led to the relocation of families from public housing projects to suburban neighborhoods which have vital resources like quality education, proximity to jobs, and public safety. Reducing the concentration of poverty from inner cities led to fewer social problems, with the exception of racism faced by the new Black residents in predominantly white neighborhoods.

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  • Housing The Homeless Is Actually Saving LA Money

    In California, homeless populations oftentimes face much greater health issues which financially impacts the state's public health care system. To address barriers to obtaining housing, with a sub-goal of bettering people's health, Los Angeles County has implemented a housing for the homeless pilot project that makes housing a part of a health care plan.

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  • These kids look out for one another

    High school students in Tilton, New Hampshire are learning how to be peer counselors as part of a program that aims to destigimatize the notion of seeking help for mental health concerns. The program, which has been implemented across the U.S. and in several other countries, has been shown to decrease a person's risk of suicide and is now regarded as "a mental-health best practice."

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  • Being Outside Boosts Your Health, but not Everyone Has Ample Access to Nature

    Studies have routinely shown that spending time outdoors is good for health, so programs are being implemented in the United States in order to increase children's access to getting outside. From California's Outdoor Outreach which aims to help low-income students to the Every Kid Outdoors Act initiated by Congress which eliminates fees for national park passes for fourth graders, these initiatives not only get kids outside, but also teach them social skills.

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