Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • These Austin Tiny Homes Could House 40% of the City's Chronically Homeless Population

    A tiny home and RV community outside of Austin, Texas does more than house the homeless; it provides community and economic independence. With backing from local business, nonprofits, and religious institutions, Community First Village houses over 200 people and provides residents with ways to find jobs in the community as well as access to healthcare information and services. With homelessness on the rise in Austin, Texas, one community has a solution that includes housing, employment and above all a sense of social connection.

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  • Portugal's Wildly Successful Decriminalization Experiment

    Since introducing both the decriminalization of a range of substances like heroin and cocaine and new harm-reduction strategies in 2001, Portugal has seen success in driving down HIV cases, overdoses, and needle sharing. The country attributes their progress to treating the issue of drug use as a human rights issue rather than a criminal one, because they consider external factors that contribute to addiction like gender, class, or race.

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  • Can Democrats and Republicans Understand Each Other? It Starts With Getting Off Twitter

    Living Room Conversations facilitates civil discourse among people with different political views. The nonprofit encourages in-person meetings of groups of four to seven people with different backgrounds and views, ideally in a comfortable setting like a living room, coffee shop, or park, and provides over 100 guides on their open-source website to help participants engage in thoughtful dialogue. Rather than attempting to problem solve actual issues, the goal of the conversations is to humanize one another. Participants find the skills they learn useful in their personal relationships as well.

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  • How to Build a Creative Ecology

    Cultivating a sustainable art scene that allows creatives to make a living requires a delicate balance of various factors. Fellowships are vital for providing the time and space that artists need to develop their craft. Cultural institutions such as museums, galleries, and even art fairs are also key for providing a platform through which artists can exhibit their work. Art buyers can also be supported through loan initiatives to spur investment, especially for buyers who support local artists. Lastly, creative placemaking merges art and culture with community planning to meet the specific needs of an area.

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  • Student threat assessment expands to all Texas school districts

    Schools in Austin, Texas have a renewed vigor to address student mental health after they saw hundreds of suicide attempts in recent years. In addition to approaching the issue in a serious manner, schools are now equipped with full-time mental health clinics on campus to offer support for students, teachers, and families. There are now 45 different clinics across the city that have worked with over 2,000 visitors, and already studies are showing improvements in things like increased self-esteem and decreased psychological distress.

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  • ‘If You're Like Me, You Can't Sit By. This Is America.'

    Connecting children with volunteer lawyers can greatly assist immigration cases. Nonprofits like the Safe Passage Project and Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) work to provide children, often separated from their families, with legal defense. Without a lawyer, many children face immigration hearings alone, adding great trauma to a complicated process. A majority of unrepresented children are deported. Nonprofit legal groups across the US are working to create a safety net of legal counsel.

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  • Overcoming an Epidemic: Opioids in Pennsylvania

    Across Pennsylvania, researchers, medical professionals, communities, and local governments are taking steps to address the opioid crisis. The epidemic that has swept across the country is being addressed at every level, including individual, family, and community. Responses include destigmatizing efforts like the Share Your Opioid Story project, school-based prevention education, drug court programming, medication assisted treatment, and training and awareness initiatives for medical professionals in urban and rural areas.

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  • In Montana, challenges abound for students, but new solutions are emerging

    Several courses offered at colleges throughout Montana are using storytelling that is founded in cultural competency to better connect students with their heritage. This effort is part of a larger project that aims to raise graduation rates by implementing support systems for students. Other offerings include block scheduling and career and technical education certificate programs.

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  • Clark-Fulton is a known food desert. Can new health initiatives change the way a neighborhood eats?

    In Clark-Fulton, Ohio, almost half of all residents lack access to a grocery store, but community organizations are working together to offer options such as produce giveaways and cooking classes. Not only are those participating learning how to live a healthy lifestyle, but have also reported lower blood pressures and weight loss.

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  • The Biggest Police Department In The US Has A Suicide Crisis. Another Department Thinks They Have An Answer.

    California’s Los Angeles Police Department has built mental health into its force. The department has 16 psychologists on staff, offering free counseling and debrief sessions after traumatic incidents. As the New York Police Department faces an increase in officer suicides, it looks to the LAPD as it rolls out its new suicide prevention initiatives, like a mental health app, mental health insurance, and access to counseling.

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