Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal - Three African Countries Providing Solutions in Fight Against Genital Cutting of Girls

    This cross-border story, which takes place in Nigeria, Kenya, and Senegal, examines 3 different approaches to address the still-widespread practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In Nigeria, a short film about FGM has prompted the passing of a new law and gathered a new wave of survivors speaking up. In Kenya, a group called Dayaa Women's Group actively involves the traditionalists (cutters) and religious/community institutions in the fight against FGM along with widespread trainings. In Sengal, women lead the fight with a radio program for girls and providing financial incentives to prior cutters.

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  • Summit County health care prices force families to make desperate decisions. A new plan for how consumers buy coverage could change that.

    People working in mountain towns throughout Colorado often face higher health care costs due to supply and demand, but the Peak Health Alliance is working to change that. This alliance forms a partnership between employers and individuals to work together in negotiating with healthcare providers, and then with insurers.

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  • Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal: Three African countries providing solutions in fight against FGM

    To combat the persistence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Africa, communities band together to spread awareness through film, religious outlets, community gatherings, and other creative means of education. While FGM is still prevalent in areas that believe it to be an important traditional practice, individuals and groups across Nigeria, Kenya, and Senegal have reduced the practice of FGM in their areas.

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  • 'Dignity and respect': Dominican factory vows to never be a sweatshop

    In the Dominican Republic, employees at the Alta Gracia factory are paid 2.5 times the national minimum wage, a salary that is widely unheard of in the garment factories that make t-shirts and sports merchandise for American consumers. While the business has sometimes struggled to maintain investors and turn a profit, the guarantee of a living wage has introduced much deserved financial stability in the lives of workers who are often relegated to substandard conditions and minimal wages.

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  • How 7 Women Helped Put Sexual Harassment on New York's Agenda

    After 11 months of calls to employment lawyers and civil rights groups, legal proceedings, and recommended reforms to current legislation, seven women of the Sexual Harassment Working Group, all of whom are survivors, have successfully forced the New York's lawmakers to hold the first public hearing on sexual harassment since 1992. The members of the working group see the hearing as an important first step in reckoning with Albany's checkered past.

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  • Using music to help fight loneliness in long-term care

    The inclusion of music makes for a more healthful long-term care environment. The nonprofit organization, the Room 217 Foundation, helps lessen the effects of isolation suffered by seniors living in nursing facilities by providing them with access to music therapy. Using grants and with the help of research from the University of Toronto, Room 217 has developed a program that includes both musical activities for residents as well as performances.

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  • Girls just wanna do maths - and the women who help them

    The Access Project in London recruits volunteer tutors in science, math, and technology fields to help young women build confidence in their STEM courses. The project also works to spread educational resources and tutors to underprivileged areas throughout London and the Midlands.

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  • The secret to a town's perfect potatoes? Its well-preserved forest.

    Concepción Chiquirichapa, Guatemala, is known for its potatoes. The produce is especially good because of a consistent supply of high quality water from its forests, as well as the use of leaf litter as organic fertilizer. Forest protections from decades ago are showing results in sustaining high quality produce, but as the population increases and potato farming expands, the city is working to preserve the natural resources that have contributed to its success.

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  • A Cry For Baby Cuddlers In San Antonio As Opioid Crisis Deepens

    As the rates of infants born with opioid addictions rises, volunteer baby cuddlers are helping to fill the gap in overwhelmed neonatal units in Texas. Although there are still not enough hands to go around for the amount of babies being admitted, those that are able to receive an assigned baby cuddler are not just receiving comfort but are also able to ween off their addiction at a quicker rate.

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  • Punjab's marginalised communities struggle for their right to cultivate common lands

    Balad Kalan’s Scheduled Castes, popularly called Dalits, collectively bid to win the rights to fertile common lands that big landlords had taken control of. Each family contributed what they could and, after protests due to the lack of transparency in the bidding process, won 53 hectares, or one-third of the common land, which was distributed among 145 families. Fifty other villages have since won collective land rights by replicating the joint bidding process. An 11-member cooperative manages the land in each village, which is distributed to families in proportion to their monetary contribution.

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