Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Students Most Likely To Succeed

    In areas of high poverty, students in San Antonio, Texas are highly encouraged and supported to take the next step after high school to go on to challenging universities and gain a degree. Their efforts, which include talking about college as early as kindergarten and one-on-one year-long guidance to identify strengths and choose the right college, are particularly targeted at students who will not only be the first one in their family to attend college, but the first in their family to leave the state. Students share that they feel prepared, challenged, and optimistic about their time away from home.

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  • Teaching Curiosity

    Since Ascend Charter Schools switched from the popular "No Excuses" model to a Responsive Classroom philosophy, test scores have steadily risen, suspension rates have dropped dramatically, and the racial achievement gap has all but disappeared. While traces of the former structures, such as repeated routines, still exist today, the school has also incorporated trauma-informed elements and social-emotional learning curricula.

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  • Science Supports Supervised Injection Sites. Why Don't Politicians Agree?

    Years of research across countries has now shown that safe injection facilities correlate with fewer overdose deaths, but the United States as been slow to adopt this solution. Often deemed as controversial on the argument that these sites could enable further drug use, results from a facility in Vancouver go against this narrative by showing an increase in detox enrollments, rather than an increase in consumption.

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  • These Kenyan widows are fighting against sexual 'cleansing'

    In Kenya, and in other parts of Africa, widows are considered impure until a male has sex with them and cleanses them. If they don’t get cleansed they face social stigma. However, one widow, Roseline Orwa, refused, and instead created the Rona Foundation. “The center provides loss and grief counseling, financial support and teaches entrepreneurial skills.” She also successfully lobbied for a bill that outlawed widow cleansing. However, even though the practice is still prevalent in rural parts of Kenya, both men and women are talking about ending the practice through talk sessions offered by the center. “A

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  • A movement for police accountability is on Nashville's November ballot

    The killing of Jocques Clemmons, an unarmed black man that was shot by a white officer in Tennessee, became the catalyst that spurred a community to action. A community oversight board would be in charge of investigating police misconduct by the MNPD. Grassroots organizers, activists, and residents fulfilled the 4,000 signatures needed for a referendum vote on the board, and if approved would join a growing movement that is trying to address police shootings of unarmed black men. “More than 200 cities already have boards in place with varying degrees of success.”

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  • The Central Valley's Freedom Summer of empowering youth

    25 students from two University of California schools went home to intern in the Central Valley for 3 months where they registered high school students to vote and taught them about civic engagement. Modeled after Freedom Summer, where students registered Mississippi voters in 1964, the Central Valley Freedom Summer project sought to increase the low turnout among young voters by teaching them the importance of civic engagement. The interns faced some resistance in the county, but were able to register or pre-register over 3000 young voters and hold events to get youth engaged in their communities.

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  • Getting Rid of Those Old Style Hospital Gowns

    Hospital gowns historically aren't designed for the patient, but rather for the conveniency of the medical staff; however, several hospitals throughout the United States have decided to change this after negative patient feedback. Designs are still being developed, but so far designers are focusing on making sure the gowns are respectful and modest.

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  • 'I'm more valued than before': women in Tajikistan get a new lease of life – in pictures

    In Tajikistan, a project created by international NGOs with local partners, and funded by the United Kingdom, provides counseling and skills training for families to reduce violence against women. The two regions that participated saw significant declines in those rates of violence, as well as drops in depression levels and suicide and men also reported that they were less violent. Additionally, women's earnings and savings increased because the program helped them start small money-making ventures.

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  • 'It's a miracle': the scheme ending abuse against women in Tajikistan

    A program in Tajikistan developed to address high rates of abuse against women is showing remarkable results through a combination of family counseling and economic empowerment of women. The pilot project was created by five organizations and its initial results showed large decreases in rates of suicide and violence. It's part of the What Works To Prevent Violence Against Women And Girls Initiative and officials are hoping to find more funding to expand the project.

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  • The Informal Bank That Empowers Kenya's Poorest Women

    In villages in Bubisa, Kenya, women have come together to form informal community banks so that they may have greater financial access and power. These groups of women together save money, and then lend and borrow money with one another, giving themselves the chance to own property and send their kids to school – without having to rely on their husbands.

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