Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'Girls who leave militias get rejected': helping child soldiers go home

    Enrolling in school can help former girl soldiers reintegrate into society. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Child Soldiers International interviewed community members and former soldiers, and then shared this finding with local organizations to guide programming.

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  • Grassroots Organizations Are Leading the Way on Criminal Justice Reform

    Local groups in cities like St. Louis and New York are organizing to reform the criminal justice system, pushing for policies that reinstate voting rights for formerly incarcerated people, changing punishments for non-violent crimes, and in some cases, eliminating jails altogether. The local know-how and pressure is creating results, and that, along with the funding and assistance that national organizations can bring, is a model for how advocates for criminal justice reform can change the system.

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  • This woman bodybuilder in Myanmar is using Facebook to advocate for harsher penalties for rape

    Across Myanmar, women are addressing the high prevalence of rape and sexual violence against women. Some, are advocating for the death penalty for those convicted of rape, some are trying to attack root causes, while others are challenging gender roles. “I’m fighting not someone who will rape me, but I’m fighting the gender roles women are put into ... and I’m encouraging others to do this kind of thing so women aren’t seen as weak victims and are less likely to have this kind of thing happen to them.”

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  • How tough-on-crime Texas lowered its prison population and what Oklahoma can learn from it

    In 2007, Texas prisons were near capacity and half a billion dollars was needed to build three new prisons. Instead, the state became a model for conservative-led criminal sentencing reform by changing a host of laws to send many fewer people to prison in the first place. By spending half of the savings on drug and alcohol treatment, among other services, the state focused on solving people's underlying problems rather than always punishing behavior after the fact.

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  • Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

    Two programs called FamilyWorks and the Storybook Program aim to improve the relationship between those who are incarcerated and their families. FamilyWorks conducts parenting classes and other education for inmates who may not know how to build a relationship with their children while in prison. Storybook offers inmates the chance to record themselves reading books to send along to their children. Inmates say that both programs taught them a lot and that they are better people for it.

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  • Community-Centered Development

    Preventing housing loss due to gentrification requires getting community members to the table before development plans take effect. Radix Consulting, a B Corp based in Portland, OR, is promoting community-led urban development in a city hit hard by gentrification. The principles of community and land use developed by Radix helped to influence policy in Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan. While the plan in Portland addresses an existing crisis, other cities are looking to this model as a way to proactively manage their community development.

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  • Planting Trees to Help Dallas Breathe

    In 2016, the Texas Trees Foundation and federal Trust for Public Land partnered to use GIS technology in greening Dallas, Texas, and plant some 1,000 trees to start. Not only does the initiative reduce respiratory problems like asthma--over the next 40 years, the new tree cover is expected to create about $2.9 million in environmental benefits, sucking around 250 tons of CO2 from the air and capturing around 4 million gallons of stormwater.

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  • How Can America Reduce Mass Incarceration?

    A community court program in Newark, New Jersey provides alternative sentencing options for low-level offenders rather than jail or release that include getting help for mental health issues and addiction. It's part of a multi-state effort by the Center for Court Innovation to address that high rates of incarceration in the U.S. by addressing the criminalization of behaviors that are usually driven by other underlying factors such poverty, addiction and homelessness.

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  • Nairobi set to establish breast milk bank at Pumwani

    A hospital in Nairobi, Kenya is setting up the country's first breast milk bank with help from the government and an NGO to ensure infants get breast milk even if their mothers cannot provide it. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding children for at least the first six months of life and officials estimate the breast milk bank will reduce neonatal deaths by 10 percent. However the effort could still face skepticism by the public over the safety of donated milk.

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  • A Public School That Not Only Keeps Children Safe, But Heals

    Cherokee Point Elementary School in San Diego became a trauma-informed school in 2015, and since then suspensions have fallen to zero (and remained that way since) and they no longer need a campus police officer. The school's approach includes revised disciplinary practices, social-emotional instruction, free breakfast, school-wide training about trauma, strong parental engagement, and intensive individual support. They even partner with community organizations that all them to create and offer a wider variety of services than the school could on its own.

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