Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • One Woman's Quest to Fight Gentrification by Asking Residents How

    Even as cities fight gentrification, residents are often consulted late in urban planning, if at all. Cat Goughnour is pushing for change in Portland. Her consulting group ran a series of workshops, resulting in community-generated ideas for improving the Albina neighborhood that wouldn’t displace longtime residents.

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  • This College For Adult Learners Is A Refuge, Not Just A Career Boost

    At Evergeen State College's Tacoma undergraduate program, most students are women and people of color, the average age is 38, and 10 to 20 percent of attendees have been incarcerated. Compared to other schools, where one in three returning students complete a degree within several years, two out of three Tacoma students finish within the first two years. Tacoma encourages students to create their own courses to study and address the societal inequalities many have experienced in their own lives.

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  • Why ambassadors are no longer just for nations

    International diplomacy is transforming in response to an increasingly tech-driven world. Countries such as Denmark, Ireland, and Singapore have appointed thematic ambassadors and stationed representatives in Silicon Valley to meet with private sector giants.

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  • Educated Afghan women offer economic resilience in the face of climate change and conflict

    In Afghanistan, where climate change is drying up previously productive farms, female education has taken on a new importance. A recent Brookings Institution study found that for "every additional year of school a girl receives, her country is better prepared for, and better able to recover from climate disasters."

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  • Community in Unity: Recovery Behind Bars

    Prisons can reduce recidivism if they provide people who are incarcerated with drug and alcohol treatment, as it helps inmates address underlying issues. People who have been in and out of prison tell their stories about the success of these treatments at a public event organized and recorded by Alaska Public Media. Many participants said more solutions will happen when the question “What's wrong with you?” is replaced with “What happened to you?”

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  • German women can now find out what men earn — why don't they?

    The early impact of Germany’s wage transparency law has been limited because it only applies to large companies and, while it permits an employee to inquire whether she is paid differently than her male colleagues, she must still sue her employer herself in order to rectify the situation. In the fight for fair pay, it’s more effective to put the onus on companies to demonstrate responsible behavior rather than leave individuals to battle entrenched power structures by themselves.

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  • Papua New Guinea Aims To Redefine Masculinity In A Way That's Nonviolent

    Advocates who created a hotline for domestic abuse survivors in Papua New Guinea were surprised when many of the people seeking their services were men who had hit their partners. The anonymous phone service allows men to open up about their problems that led to the violence. Other programs focus on teaching young men about healthy relationships and to rethink traditional notions of masculinity that contribute to the country being among the worst in the world for intimate partner violence.

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  • How Denver's Disability Activists Transformed the City

    Disability activists have used nonviolent direct action for decades, including lying in the street to protest inaccessible public transit and crawling up the steps of the U.S. Capital to support the Americans with Disabilities Act. “We have never gone out a door that we do not have a solution for,” says ADAPT member Dawn Russell. “That’s ADAPT 101.”

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  • How an Unknown Reformer Rescued One of America's Most Troubled School Districts

    In his five years as superintendent of Camden public schools, Paymon Rouhanifard shepherded in a new era of increasing graduation and decreasing suspension rates. Rouhanifard "avoided the extremes of zigzagging educational trends" and combined his background as both a politician and an educator to offer up a long term path to improvement, one that took into consideration the fate of public and charter schools alike. As Rouhanifard moves on, he leaves a unique legacy, one he hopes will prove resistant to the whims of short-term education reform trends.

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  • None of the Above

    Because Middle Easterners are classified as “white” in the U.S. Census, their specific needs and identities are not disaggregated. This lack of visibility may prevent discriminatory treatment, but it also impacts the allocation of government resources and leaves many feeling unrepresented in their country. The Arab American Institute is again pushing for change ahead of the 2020 survey, an effort that has now spanned decades.

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