Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Teens Can Fight Math Anxiety

    Mindfulness and programs, such as Math Guru, designed to address student's anxiety are being implemented in several areas as a way of combatting anxiety and helping students talk through their fears so that it doesn't impede their performance or develop into a more severe issue. Particularly, in places where anxiety and mental illness is high, these areas are looking into the benefits of student mindfulness training.

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  • Eugene's Tiny House Experiment Expands To Emerald Village

    Almost 4 years ago, Opportunity Village was established in Eugene. It’s a community of tiny houses for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

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  • A Focus on Health to Resolve Urban Ills

    Social and economic factors are increasingly being linked to health circumstances and outcomes. This article highlights the city of Richmond, California, which has responded to this correlation, integrating issues of health into all levels of policy.

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  • How Poverty Changes the Brain

    Living in poverty can impact brain functioning due to the consistent stress and can lead to difficulty with problem solving, decision making, and goal setting. A Boston-based project, EMPath, addresses this issue by assisting families with identifying goals and taking the steps to accomplish these goals.

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  • How to Turn Neighborhoods Into Hubs of Resilience

    Community development programs in cities around the country show how using connectedness and equity as focal points in sparking community change can be successful and sustainable in the long-term. From a Brooklyn grassroots environmental justice organization sustainably rebuilding after Superstorm Sandy to a coalition of nonprofits in Richmond fueling public participation in renewable energy awareness, these entities rely on relationships, equity and bonding over shared communities to foster solutions.

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  • Study: Ending Homelessness for 4 Saves Thousands

    A study on four homeless individuals showed that they cost thousands of dollars, plus hours of city officials' time. Outreach Fort Collins aims to decrease these numbers by recognizing the importance of relationships and checking in on homeless individuals as a neighborhood resource for people to turn to if there is a concern (rather than calling the police).

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  • Appalachia's new trail: finding life after coal

    Well-paying mining jobs used to be the bedrock of Appalachian coal country, but those jobs are increasingly hard to find. Local and national organizations are working together to help the region diversify economically by supporting local entrepreneurship with trainings and grant money.

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  • Mentally ill man worse off after acquittal

    “Two million people with mental illness are booked into jails every year.” Mental health courts, would take into accounts a person’s illness, rather than solely focusing on the crime.

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  • Talking it Out: Female Genital Mutilation in Ethiopia

    Genital Mutilaiton, a culturally rooted practice that carries a host of immediate and long-term health risks is being condemned globally. In response, this piece looks at the KMG model, utilizing community discussions to create understanding and lower the amount of occurrences.

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  • As the U.S. Wrests Greater Control Over HIV, What's the Key to Success?

    As HIV rates rise, various states within the United States are working to address underlying issues that contribute to this increase by improving surveillance methods. Based on the premise that better record-keeping will lead to better solutions, some cities are already seeing success in reducing rates because they’re better able to target specific populations and communities.

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