Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A West Philly high school is giving the entire junior class work experience through a robust new internship program

    Boys’ Latin Charter High School in West Philadelphia is changing up the traditional school day with a program that matches the entire junior class with internships at different places around the city. Students are matched with partner businesses and organizations based on their interests so they can better understand what they want to do after high school and have more equitable opportunities.

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  • How Campus Cafeterias Became Hotspots for Climate Action

    To be a part of the voluntary Cool Food Pledge universities commit to reducing their food-related greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent or more by 2030. Those who sign on receive recommendations on how to help encourage diners to eat plant-based.

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  • How a dinosaur is redefining a rural coal town

    The Dinosaur National Monument in an old mining town is bringing in tourists and is turning a profit for the town. In 2021, visitors to the Monument spent $24.3 million.

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  • How Knosk Secondary School Is Empowering Low Income Parents/Guardian To Break The Cycle Of Poverty

    The KNOSK secondary school is working to reduce the number of out-of-school youth in Nigeria by providing students with a quality education for a daily fee much lower than other school options. The school offers various payment plan options and gives the students uniforms, lunch, and sanitary products.

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  • Philly's plastic bag ban is working, study finds

    Philadelphia’s ban on businesses’ use of single-use plastic bags reduced plastic bag use by 94%. The ban also extended to paper bags not made of recycled content.

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  • New Transport Regulations Reducing Road Crashes in Uganda

    New, detailed driver badges, and bus route charts are reducing dangerous crashes involving buses on roads in Uganda. In an attempt to weed out incompetent bus drivers, they are now legally required to have a badge that includes information like their license number, training information, and the company they work for.

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  • Inmates are using VR to learn real-world skills

    A number of state corrections departments are using virtual reality to teach inmates a range of basic skills they might've missed the chance to acquire while incarcerated. The VR programs have helped reduce aggressive behavior, facilitate empathy with victims, and drop recidivism rates. A short-term pilot initiative in Alaska, for example, incorporated mindfulness techniques through VR that resulted in decreased reports of depressive or anxious feelings and fewer disciplinary write-ups.

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  • Ride-hailing apps have a gender problem. These women drivers are fighting back

    Women-only taxi companies like An Nisa in Nairobi empower women to become rideshare drivers. These opportunities combat gender bias and create a safer space for women.

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  • From Farmworkers to Land Healers

    North Bay Jobs With Justice teaches immigrant and Indigenous farmworkers how to restore the land’s ecological health and mitigate impacts of climate change and disasters like wildfires through training efforts and ancestral knowledge. The group has also helped workers organize for respect, safer conditions and fair pay.

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  • How two queer filmmakers helped save lesbian bars in the US from extinction

    After learning that the number of lesbian bars across the U.S. was dwindling, two filmmakers launched the show “The Lesbian Bar Project” which spotlights the bars’ significance to their communities. Along with the show, they crowdfunded $300,000 to help financially support the surviving bars.

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