Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Forgotten Answer to the Affordable Housing Crisis

    Housing cooperatives were once a successful strategy for creating affordable housing. The method has been traced back to the 19th century in New York City and is now making a comeback. Limited equity cooperatives are owned by multiple people who make a payment for buy-in and create a board that makes collective decisions about the property and how it’s run. Unlike other coops, residents can’t decide to sell and make a large profit which maintains the affordability over time.

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  • To save South Island forests, community support is critical, and not enough

    After millions of dollars, community campaigns and intense grassroots efforts, conservationists were able to save a beloved forest, Mountain Road Forest, one of few forested parcels left. The parcel, which is 50 acres, is on Vancouver Island, where land is "heavily privatised" and it takes an intense amount of effort from community members to save these properties from being bought up by developers.

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  • Cleveland's reforesting efforts take root in once-redlined neighborhoods

    Activists in Cleveland, Ohio are reforesting the city's vacant lots one community garden at a time. Gwen Garth, a local activist in the city, partnered up with churches, in order to create a long-term plan to plant gardens to also increase tree canopy in the city in a more equitable approach by focusing on historically redlined neighborhoods. The plan includes reaching 30% tree canopy by 2040, which means planting 361,000 new trees.

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  • What can Houston teach L.A. about solving homelessness?

    Houston's success in drastically decreasing rates of homelessness can be a blueprint for the same goal in Los Angeles. Houston's "strategic clarity" includes a streamlined process for accessing homelessness services - organization that is lacking in LA. Additionally, Houston has been able to offer a path to permanent housing while decommissioning homeless encampments. Although the two cities grapple with unique challenges, the strategy employed in Houston can be applied to Los Angeles.

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  • Virginia clean energy job training program climbs its own learning curve

    To ensure that marginalized communities, include Black residents and the formerly incarcerated, have the skills and opportunity to be a part of the growing solar and energy-efficiency industry in the community, Bridging the Gap offers free, intensive solar-training courses to them.

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  • This unexpected solution could save the world's depleting corals

    Underwater mooring buoys are proving pivotal in efforts to save corals along the Red Sea. In practice, the installed buoys are anchored to flat, solid bedrock provide a ready-made anchor for tourists arriving by sea, instead of letting them drop anchors on vulnerable underwater ecosystems. Since 1995, more than 1,400 buoys have been installed along the Red Sea coastlines.

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  • The Feeling Of Freedom After Prolonged "Awaiting Trial" In A Nigerian Prison

    Considering the overwhelming number of low-income inmates awaiting trial in Nigeria due to lack of legal representation, Heafort Foundation takes up such cases and provides legal services free of cost. Since 2019, the foundation has helped about 200 inmates get out of jail while also supporting them with the means to complete their education or learn new skills so they can restart their lives again.

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  • Domestic Workers in Lebanon Are Making a Dramatic Escape

    Ethiopian domestic workers stuck in Lebanon can now rely on help from an organization started by Ethiopian women who were once in their shoes. Victims of labor exploitation have a hard time escaping abusive situations, leaving them stranded in Lebanon without a place to stay or a means to get home.

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  • The Lagos Group Taking Children Off The Slums And Streets Back To Classrooms

    The Destiny Trust performs outreach in slum settlements and encampments to connect homeless children with residential housing and get them enrolled in school, sometimes via placing them in boarding schools. Through fundraising and partnering with other groups such as religious organizations, the nonprofit has sponsored the education of nearly 3,000 children since launching in 2012.

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  • When Dangerous Strains of Salmonella Hit, the Turkey Industry Responded Forcefully. The Chicken Industry? Not So Much.

    The turkey and chicken industries have struggled with salmonella outbreaks that are more virulent and less responsive to antibiotics. The turkey industry responded immediately, forming a task force to study and fight the strain, vaccinating breeding flocks, setting up better barn sanitation, and making changes in processing plants to reduce cross-contamination. The chicken industry’s response has been slow and not transparent, and as a result it continues to spread and make people sick. On the other hand, 73% fewer turkeys are found to have the bacteria and reports of people getting sick have fallen by 65%.

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