Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Experiential Learning Farm Helps Youth Build a Better World

    Low-income communities of color have less access to nature, they experience "nature deprivation" at a rate three times higher than white people. Regular access to the outdoors improves respiratory health, physical fitness, cognitive functioning, and psychological well-being. The Freetown Farm was conceived as a place where all people can experience nature. Its exposing young people of all backgrounds to nature. Through its year-long internship program learned how to plant food, among other things.

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  • Eagle County problem-solving courts offer new hope to repeat offenders battling substance abuse

    Eagle County's two problem-solving courts put treatment ahead of punishment when addressing crimes committed by people with substance abuse problems. Originally set up as one court, they now function separately to address drunken driving and drugs and serve people "teetering on the edge of serious prison time" for repeat offenses. More than 90 percent of participants in 2020 maintained sobriety and more than 80 percent avoided new legal troubles. While the threat of punishment is used to win compliance with rules, prosecutors say they're more interested in permanently curing the underlying disease.

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  • Lake Mary police partnership keeps mentally ill out of ERs, away from police confrontations

    The Mental Health Intervention Group is a partnership of hospitals and community social services agencies formed by the Lake Mary Police Department to address mental health problems before they turn into crises. Avoiding crises minimizes the chances of violent encounters with police or repeat visits to hospital emergency rooms. Volunteers and their organizations learn from police or hospitals who needs help, and then they provide whatever is needed, from counseling to food assistance. Nearly all those they've helped have avoided hospital visits afterward.

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  • University degree awarded to student behind bars: his thesis on autoethnography is a survival story

    Magna Graecia University partnered with prison administrators in Catanzaro, Italy, to help two incarcerated men find a form of rehabilitation by writing their own lives' stories. In a process called autoethnography, the men, who are serving life sentences, focus on describing without moral judgment "the psychological and creative resources they used for survival before prison and during their time behind bars." This helps them see the traits that led them into crime might also lead them out of it. Both men tell of extraordinary personal growth through the experience, which others now seek to duplicate.

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  • As homicides surged, Oakland's premier anti-violence program went quiet

    Oakland Ceasefire's "delicate architecture" balancing law enforcement and community-based responses to gun violence, which seemed to have helped lower the city's gun violence by half since 2012, came crashing down during the pandemic. While arrests continued, the alternative offered to people at high risk of violence – an array of services to turn their lives around – withered with a virtual ban on in-person meetings. Violence in the city surged as years of progress unraveled. The program is working to rebuild, while questioning if it should distance itself more from the police.

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  • Greensboro's Cure Violence program promotes healing over policing to prevent gun violence

    Greensboro's version of the Cure Violence program, called Gate City Coalition, has helped reduce homicides nearly to zero in the two neighborhoods where it operates. At a time of escalated gun violence, the Cure Violence approach seems to be working by mediating disputes before they turn violent, counseling against retaliation, and attacking the root causes of violence by helping residents connect with needed services. This "work on the whole individual" approach is based on the outreach workers' credibility in the community, as an alternative to the police.

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  • A tall order

    The Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Program and Nutrition Rehabilitation Home in Kathmandu provide resources to children experiencing, or at risk for, malnutrition, which has long been a life-threatening issue in Nepal.

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  • From 30 Million Cases to Zero

    China’s path to officially eliminating malaria began in the 1950s when a scientist in a government-funded program discovered the ancient Chinese herb Wormwood had been used to treat symptoms for centuries and went on to make the world’s top treatment. Effective coordination across many agencies, treating stagnant water, and widespread use of insecticide nets also limited cases. Today China uses the “1-3-7” method where local agencies are told of any likely case within one day, the case is confirmed within three days, and measures are taken to treat the patient and prevent further spread within seven days.

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  • The Struggle of Ending Open Defecation in Adadama, Cross River State

    A community-led sanitation approach ended the practice of open defecation, a major cause of water pollution and stomach diseases. The program educated people to change social norms and laws requiring every household to own a toilet and punishing those who defecated in the river with a substantial fine were critical to its effectiveness. The community drove the program, with widespread adoption made easier by the benefits like fewer flies and less stomach illnesses. Low budget toilets, requiring only labor to dig a hole and resources available in the bush, were constructed so that everyone could afford it.

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  • Helping migrant mothers to give their babies a healthy start

    AMURTEL Greece offers support for immigrant women from pregnancy until their babies are two years old. AMURTEL offers one-on-one appointments with midwives and infant feeding consultants, group classes, and peer-to-peer support groups with people from similar origins. Midwives can visit mothers in their homes or refugee camps. Breastfeeding support is an important focus of the organization, since many new mothers who would breastfeed in their home countries feel discouraged to do so by Western doctors.

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