Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Plan to beautify 50 vacant lots falls short nearly two years later

    Since June 2019, Chicago's Grounds for Peace pilot project has begun cleaning up vacant, city-owned lots using an approach to urban beautification that has been shown in other cities, and in one Chicago neighborhood, to reduce crime and boost residents' feelings of safety. While the city and its contractors consider the project a success in the making, thus far only two of the original 50 targeted lots show signs of improvement. Project leaders blame funding shortfalls, disruptions due to the pandemic, and difficulties in removing abandoned vehicles.

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  • Denver successfully sent mental health professionals, not police, to hundreds of calls

    In its first six months, Denver's STAR program (Support Team Assistance Response) handled 748 emergency calls that in the past would have gone to the police or firefighters. Two-person teams of a medic and clinician helped people with personal crises related mainly to homelessness and mental illness. None of the calls required police involvement and no one was arrested. The city plans to spend more to expand the program, which is meant to prevent needless violence and incarceration from calls to the police that other types of first-responders can better address.

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  • Innovation, bonuses may help curb Michigan's home health care shortage

    A home health care agency in New York has "become a nationwide model" for hiring and retaining home health aids. Crucial to the program's success is a series of incentives offered to employees such as "subsidies to pay for college courses and career advancement," continuous training, guaranteed hours, and insurance. Although the implementation of this program may not be financially feasible in other areas, it has created a noticeable loyal workforce for the industry.

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  • Smallpox used to kill millions of people every year. Here's how humans beat it.

    The eradication of smallpox offers lessons and insight for health officials and governments focused on containing the novel coronavirus and avoiding future pandemics. Although COVID-19 presents unique challenges – such as asymptomatic transmission – lessons from the smallpox era show that "a well-funded, well-supported public health system" was a key to success.

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  • Could offering a training program boost the number of substitute teachers?

    The Substitute Teacher Training Program in Rhode Island is helping to fill a need for substitute teachers, as well as helping those looking for a job a quick way to find employment. The program is completely free, self-paced, available online, but rigorous nonetheless. Over 1,200 people enrolled in the program when it opened late 2020, and so far 200 people have completed the program and 140 have found employment.

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  • Reviving the Cherokee Language Is a Full-Time Job – Literally

    The Cherokee Language Master Apprentice Program is an immersion program that pays adults to learn the Cherokee language, which is quickly disappearing yet important for preserving Cherokee culture. The program requires 40 hours a week for two years and participants are paid $10 per hour as an incentive to focus on their studies. When creating the curriculum, the Cherokee Nation looked to other Native Nations with initiatives to preserve Native cultures and languages. The program has grown over the past six years and now, when fully filled, has 32 participants taking part in the two-year program.

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  • How grass-roots efforts by Georgia's Latinos helped tip the Senate races

    Black and Latino organizers with the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) knocked on over 300,000 doors in between the general election and Senate runoffs. Canvassing in predominantly Latino neighborhoods, they also reached out to ineligible voters to encourage them to urge their U.S. born family members to vote in their family’s interests. Latino support of Democratic candidates increased in the Senate runoffs adding to narrow Democratic victories. GLAHR also helped elect the first Black sheriff of Gwinnett County, who quickly ended a program that allowed the county jail to collaborate with ICE.

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  • Georgia's Mental Health Champions

    Across Georgia, a community-based mental health care approach has decreased both the duration and frequency of hospitalization for clients. This approach relies on mental health and other healthcare specialists delivering care to clients via mobile teams.

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  • How unemployed Californians launched new careers in a pandemic with 9 weeks of training

    Digital Upskill Sacramento is providing 9-week paid training sessions to participants who want to enter the tech industry. The program is allowing people who didn’t have the time, resources, or opportunity before to get hands-on training in addition to potential employment opportunities. This initiative is a result of a collaboration between several organizations and funding from the city. The funds were allotted for job training in growing industries, especially as the pandemic resulted in the loss of many jobs.

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  • 'Changing the game': Black in Technology works to support Black students in computer science

    Black in Technology was created to support Black students in STEM at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The organization has planned numerous events for its members related to mentorship, recruitment, and community building on campus in the STEM and technology industry, and successfully helped them receive internships and job opportunities, while raising the visibility of Black and Latinx students in technology fields.

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