Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A New Tool in Treating Mental Illness: Building Design

    Across the U.S. an influx of new mental health facilities are being designed through a lens of "evidence-based" architecture that aims to use the design itself as a means of treatment. With studies indicating that access to nature and green space can reduce stress, these new facilities aren't "just about being warm and fuzzy."

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  • What the San Francisco Bay Area Can Teach Us About Fighting a Pandemic

    The San Francisco Bay Area has had fewer COVID-19 deaths than would be expected for such a densely populated area, largely by "drawing on resources and expertise that predated the coronavirus pandemic." Unlike other large cities, the Bay Area was able to quickly identify where hotspots may emerge, and initiate changes – such as allowing only one entrance to hospitals and not using traveling certified nursing assistants in multiple nursing homes. City health officials also increased outreach to at-risk minority neighborhoods, after seeing the virus disproportionately impacting these communities elsewhere.

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  • Revolving door in Montana corrections still turning, despite reforms

    A set of criminal justice reforms enacted in Montana in 2017 that were meant to reduce incarceration and reinvest some of the savings in crime prevention programs has had little effect on the prison population. The state's "justice reinvestment" program, using a model adopted in 30 other states, has failed to put plans into action, partly for a lack of public spending on programs for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people. As a result, the prison population is tracking where it would have been had nothing been done, and recidivism remains high.

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  • 'Where Are The Women?': Uncovering The Lost Works Of Female Renaissance Artists

    Advancing Women Artists (AWA) is a nonprofit foundation that has identified around 2,000 pieces of art by women artists that were forgotten or stored away in Italy’s museums and churches. The organization has financed the restoration of 70 works from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Although women generally couldn’t study or devote themselves to art, some of the artists’ works were known during their times but disappeared from public writings around the 19th century. AWA’s work restoring, documenting, and exhibiting women’s art has contributed to increased interest in and awareness of art by women.

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  • How a German organisation tackles anti-Semitism in schools

    Meet A Jew is a volunteer organization in Germany helping combat anti-semitism and bigotry by educating students in elementary and secondary schools about Jewish culture and traditions of those living in Germany. The organization has about three hundred volunteers from a variety of different backgrounds, who then hold 90-minute sessions where students are welcomed to ask anything.

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  • How This New App Can Teach You About Forgotten Histories

    The Staten Island African American Heritage Tour is a website and mobile app that offers virtual tours of Staten Island’s Black History, which was oftentimes intentionally erased from the city's historical accounts. The tours are based on genealogical and historical investigations and the app was tested by local students for user-friendliness. The students were empowered to learn about their own histories and reported that their knowledge of local histories expanded. Five days after the website launched, before the app was public, there were already hundreds of local and international unique users.

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  • Jobs, Houses and Cows: China's Costly Drive to Erase Extreme Poverty

    The Chinese government is providing money, livestock, and better homes to successfully help break the cycle of poverty. $700 billion in loans and grants have gone toward the rural poverty alleviation program in addition to investments in infrastructure and job creation. The program is intended for those experiencing extreme poverty in the countryside. Critics predict that the program is unsustainably expensive but the short-term results are promising.

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  • Fragile cities are being inundated with people fleeing the impacts of climate change. How can they cope?

    Durable Solutions Initiative (DSI) aims to create long-term solutions to help internally displaced people in under-resourced urban areas, many of whom fled climate-related disasters. DSI relies on ideas from the displaced communities about how to move towards self-reliance. In Somalia, the participatory and locally-created approach led to Midnimo I, a donor-funded initiative that created short-term jobs, built or upgraded community-prioritized infrastructure projects like schools and hospitals, and improved relations between authorities and displaced communities, benefiting nearly 350,000 people directly.

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  • These Cities Tried to Tackle Disinvestment. Here Are Lessons From What Happened.

    Various government policies and programs have been implemented in Black communities facing urban decline but not all of them have been completely successful. Initiatives included: Expanding public transportation, refining tax codes, providing incentives for corporations, and supporting small businesses. The ideas yielded some results but also led to unintended negative consequences.

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  • What A Solar-Powered, Portable Library Looks Like

    Arizona State University’s SolarSPELL project developed a waterproof device with a solar panel and other equipment that allows users to connect to “offline WiFi” networks and browse preloaded webpages. SD cards store open access educational content and national education ministries have the ability to add national textbooks and other culturally relevant content. About 25 users can connect without slowing browsing speeds and the ASU team provides training on how to use the device. While the device is primarily charged using the solar panel, it can also be charged using electricity during cloudy weather.

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