Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Ballots Behind Bars

    Chicago Votes works to ensure access to voting for people awaiting trial in jail. In addition to registering thousands of voters, they helped pass a Cook County law designating the nation’s largest single-site detention facility as a polling place. This access enabled 1,850 people to cast their votes and about 600 people were able to take advantage of same-day registration and voting, which isn’t possible with traditional absentee ballot voting. Addressing jail-based disenfranchisement, which disproportionately impacts communities of color, gives people a voice in policies that directly impact them.

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  • Botswana's Radical Experiment in National Unity

    Botswanans have deprioritized deeply held tribal identities, created a national identity, and found societal stability by using the practice of randomly assigning civil servants to different parts of the country. Sending the over 120,000 civil servants to work away from friends and family, immersed in a new culture, has led to intercultural exchanges, new friendships, and even many marriages that resulted in children whose parents belong to different tribes. Increasing contact across tribal groups led to thousands of new personal relationships, which reduced prejudices and created a shared national culture.

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  • Youth Vote Goes Virtual

    California Students Vote Project, a public-private partnership, encourages college students to vote. Covid-19-adjusted strategies include sending out multiple emails, using social media, and encouraging peer-to-peer contacts to inform students about how to register to vote and the ways they can actually cast their ballots. Group representatives also visit Zoom classrooms to share information and some students have organized virtual events, such as political trivia night, to foster student engagement. Over 65,000 California students have registered to vote since August, triple the number from all of 2016.

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  • Midwestern Youth of Color Are Using Art and Culture to Build Their Political Power

    The Midwest Culture Lab consists of three organizations working to increase voter turnout among young people, especially young people of color. The partners work with artists, musicians, and other creative people to create messaging and campaigns that are culturally relevant and engage young people in civic participation. One partner, the Ohio Student Association, had artists create an ad that used relatable messaging about a criminal justice reform ballot measure to appeal to young people to vote. The ad brought in over 150 volunteers and contributed to doubling Ohio’s youth voter turnout from 2014 to 2018.

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  • The Country Where Diversity Is Enforced by Law

    Singapore's Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) has prevented ethnic enclaves in the city-state through the use of quotas. The four recognized ethnicities cannot surpass the set quotas in public residential buildings, which are inhabited by 80 percent of Singaporeans, resulting in diverse apartment complexes where residents regularly interact with people from different races. Racial dynamics are regulated through government policies for the purpose of "harmonious coexistence."

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  • Contact tracing apps: Worth the hype?

    Contact tracing apps have received a lot of attention since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, but researchers caution they should be used in conjunction with other tactics and not be relied on to help on their own. However, an early study has indicated that even when only fifteen percent of the population downloads a contact tracing app, infection rates are reduced by eight percent and deaths are reduced by six percent.

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  • The Rise of the ‘Carebnb': Is This Home-Based Model the Future of the Childcare Industry?

    Tech entrepreneurs are franchising childcare services and helping small providers match with those in need of local, home-based childcare. These franchises provide administration services such as payroll, insurance, scheduling, billing, and even mentorship which allows smaller providers to focus on their day-to-day operations. With offices shuttered in the wake of the pandemic, parents look to smaller local childcare options in order to minimize exposure to COVID-19. The franchises have also been involved in reversing local policies that have adversely affected their home-based childcare providers.

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  • Musical Empowerment bridges technological divide to teach local students

    Musical Empowerment provides mentors for children who do not have access to music education in their community. About 160 student-teachers mentor children in instruments like guitar, piano, violin, brass, saxophone, and even voice. The group uses grants and donations to help with technological and internet disparities, as well as provide instruments if needed. Learning music helps young people in many areas of their lives, including self-confidence and self-discipline. Mentors are paired with a mentee based on instrument interest and compatibility, and also experience personal growth from the relationship.

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  • How Colorado became the model for running an election by mail Audio icon

    Colorado is a successful model for voting by mail. Anti-hacking security measures, results audits, and frequent updating of the voter database using multiple sources increases confidence in the system. Voting by mail increased turnout, making the state among the top in the country. It also decreased election-related costs by 40%. Ballot rejections remain low (less than 1%) because the state relies on voters’ honesty and does not require a witness’ signature. Voters can also track their ballot and resolve any issues over the phone. Voters can return ballots by mail or at one of the many official drop boxes.

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  • Their App Sends Free Mail to Incarcerated People. Now They're Helping Prisoners Register to Vote

    Ameelio is a technology startup launched by Yale students to facilitate free communication between people who are incarcerated and loved ones. In their first six months, the group went from sending 300 to over 4,000 letters a week to facilities in the United States. Their initial goal was to provide a not-for-profit alternative to the oftentimes predatory prison telecommunications industry. Recently they began a voter registration initiative where they send registration instructions, a blank voter registration application, and ballot request form to people who are incarcerated and eligible to vote.

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