Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Bridges to understanding: Linkaut is an Italian dad's project to help his son with Autism

    An organization in Italy, spearheaded by a father who has a child with autism, is working to train local businesses how to recognize, react, and serve families who may have a member in their party with autism. Although not all companies have expressed interest in the program, 120 businesses and services across Italy have signed up to participate in the training so far. The Covid-19 pandemic has halted some of the training aspects, but the organization has found additional opportunities to educate partner businesses in the meantime.

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  • In a first for the region, Hannaford says its grocery stores have achieved zero food waste

    The Hannaford supermarket chain has achieved their goal of creating zero food waste. Over the past year, they diverted 65 million pounds of unsellable products to food banks, de-packing facilities, and anaerobic digestion facilities where it’s converted to energy. The grocery store is also making adjustments to how it purchases and sources food and how it’s displayed with the hopes of extending the food’s shelf life.

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  • Pedal power: How bicycles can change lives

    Onyx Connect sprang from the imagination of one entrepreneur who saw how poor roads and poverty made bicycles the only practical alternative to walking great distances in southern Zambia. Onyx sells sturdy bikes with a monthly payment plan that makes them affordable but also gives bike owners a personal stake in maintaining their own investment, instead of just having it donated to them. Bikes have given girls greater access to education and farmers more income because they can deliver fresh milk or other goods more often, more quickly, at greater distances than before.

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  • Child care benefits at work: This app helps your employer pay your family and friends for babysitting

    Employer-subsidized childcare is helping parents find backup babysitters with a service called Helpr. Parents can search through pre-vetted sitters or add friends and family to the app, allowing them to be paid for the last-minute services. Dozens of big employers, such as Vice and Snapchat, have partnered with Helpr. Legislation in California is underway to mandate subsidized childcare for employees of big companies.

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  • Is Seaweed The Key To Carbon Offsets?

    Running Tide Technologies, a shellfish hatchery in Maine, is betting on kelp forests as a way to store carbon deep in the ocean and sell that carbon to corporations looking to combat climate change and offset their own emissions. The startup is growing mini-farms of kelp on biodegradable floats and after a few months, they sink to the seafloor. More research is needed to see if it works, but they already have about 1,600 floats adrift in the ocean and the e-commerce company Shopify is the first to buy carbon offsets from them.

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  • Trolley Times newsletter gives voice to protesting farmers in India

    India's protesting farmers objected to the news media's coverage of their protests, seeing it as too pro-government. Trolley Times became the grassroots response: a startup newsletter about the protests, often written by the protesters themselves, along with articles by academics and economists. To appeal to its older audience, who have rural traditions of sharing the news in their communities, the newsletter is printed and distributed at four protest sites in three languages. It also has a global audience online, which has offered the protesters and the newsletter support.

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  • Rivers of Milk, Islands of Prosperity

    A dairy cooperative in Ukraine has brought jobs to farmers in the region and allowed them to work together to sell their milk on the market. An international nonprofit helped the Andriyivka Prosperity cooperative get off the ground. While villagers were skeptical of joining at first, and there are still challenges with operating the cooperative, there are 129 members that sell their milk. “The cooperative has halted the extinction of the village, allowing young people to stay in their homelands and have jobs and a livelihood,” says one of the villagers.

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  • Embracing the light: Churches tap solar power

    Over 70 Catholic dioceses in the Philippines have entered into an agreement with energy resource company WeGen Laudato Si to install solar panels on their parishes, schools, and other buildings. The Diocese of Maasin on Leyte Island became the first in the world to completely shift to renewable energy. Installing the panels can be expensive, but shifting to solar has saved one diocese at least 100,000 pesos a month in energy bills.

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  • Corn Farmers Upend Tradition to Reduce Air Pollution

    After a drought left cattle farmers in Mexico without grass to feed its animals, a unique partnership with corn farmers allowed them to use their leftover stalks and leaves. Usually, the farmers burn these materials, known as stover, which contributes to air pollution. This partnership was facilitated by the government and allowed the corn farmers to sell their leftovers to the cattle farmers. As a result, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions dropped significantly, and a new market for these materials is emerging.

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  • Inside stories

    The Empowerment Avenue Writer's Cohort pairs incarcerated writers with volunteer journalists on the outside who mentor, edit, and help the writers pitch their stories to publications. By publishing more incarcerated writers' viewpoints and first-hand reporting, and by getting those writers paid for their work, the project better informs the public about experiences inside prisons, gives free-world journalists more inside sources, and helps set up incarcerated writers for a career once they are free.

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