Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can nonprofit news fill the local journalism void in Kansas?

    As local journalism businesses struggle with dwindling advertising and readership, posing a threat to accountability journalism focused on state and local governments, nonprofit newsrooms are filling some of the void. In Kansas City, The Beacon launched at the start of the pandemic to provide health and community news. Its launch succeeded well enough to attract grants from national journalism-support organizations. Despite a number of such successful launches, questions remain about how sustainable such operations will be, especially in rural areas and small communities.

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  • This seaweed can fight climate change

    Symbrosia, a clean-tech startup in Hawaii, is taking seaweed from the ocean and turning it into a powder that can be used to feed livestock to reduce the amount of methane they produce — a key contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. The company worked with an organic farm in Upstate New York to test the product and found that sheep given a high dosage of the supplement had up to 70 percent reduction in methane emission. Creating the powder takes weeks and a lot of steps, but the startup is hopeful the product can become a mass-produced commodity.

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  • Baking Homemade Bread Becomes a Public Good

    A community effort to help provide food to those who are food insecure during the pandemic has brought together local bakers to bake bread for food banks. The initiative, known as Community Loaves, has amassed 700 volunteers and donated 15,000 loaves to 11 food pantries across the Seattle area, and is now also gaining momentum in Oregon.

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  • Agroforestry and land reform give Brazil cacao farmers sweet taste of success

    After there was a fungal disease outbreak in the 1990s that affected cacao crops in Brazil, a group of 150 community members got together to collectively manage a farm to grow back cacao trees using agroforestry techniques. Because of their efforts, they sell their cacao to major chocolate brands and have seen their monthly income more than double.

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  • How Banana Waste Is Turned Into Rugs, Fabric, And Hair Extensions

    A Ugandan company called TEXFAD is taking the stems from banana trees that would normally go to waste and is turning them into new textiles like rugs, place mats, and hair extensions. Over its eight year existence, TEXFAD has grown to also employ 23 people, many of whom started in their internship program for students. While the cost to make these products can be expensive, the textiles are biodegradable and use less water and land to produce.

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  • The pandemic could change U.S. fisheries forever. Will it be for better or for worse?

    To weather the uncertainties of the pandemic and geopolitical trade disputes, many small, locally-operated fisheries in the United States have upended the way they do business by selling their catches directly to consumers. For example, OC Wild Seafood in California started to sell its spiny lobsters locally. Though the logistics and regulations can make fish-to-dish initiatives challenging, many community-supported fisheries saw an increase in sales and customers in 2020.

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  • Zimbabwe's mango growers look to the sun to boost incomes

    A new dried fruit processing center in Zimbabwe has allowed farmers to turn their excess mangos into another product that can be sold to various markets around the world. The center serves more than 3,400 farmers and farmers can fetch up to four times as much for dried mangos as they would normally get from selling the fruit.

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  • For People Who Experience Homelessness, Art Catalyzes Economic Mobility and Rewrites the Narrative

    Arts From The Streets gives artists living with homelessness a path to economic mobility and housing stability by offering ways to make and sell their art. An annual show can bring in $100,000 in sales, 95% of which goes to the artists. The organization provides studio space, online marketing, and other sales channels. It's one of three programs or communities serving artists who are houseless profiled in this story. The others are MudGirls, an Atlantic City ceramic arts studio, and the thriving arts culture in Los Angeles' Skid Row neighborhood, which focuses on personal growth more than income.

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  • Washington state's COVID-19 vaccine planning fell short on logistics, sowing disorder and mistrust

    Because Washington state health officials failed to prioritize the planning of basic logistics for disseminating the COVID vaccine, the state quickly fell behind others in vaccinating the most vulnerable and at risk. Realizing that a significant part of the failure stemmed from a reliance on the already overtaxed healthcare sector to deliver the vaccine, the state has since enlisted the National Guard to provide vaccinations at various sites and has seen some improvement.

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  • How the Indian Stammering Association has empowered thousands to find self-acceptance

    In India, where stuttering is not recognized as a disability, The Indian Stammering Association (TISA) offers "free online courses, counseling, communication workshops, and daily virtual meeting" to help those who struggle with a stutter. Although the offerings are limited to those who have access to a computer, more than 4,000 people have joined TISA with many reporting stories of success.

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