Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Northwest co-op builds for a local food future beyond big ag

    A food hub in Spokane, Washington, is providing a marketplace where fresh, local food is accessible from multiple small farms in one convenient location and website. LINC gives farmers access to a market of consumers without the hassle of deliveries, cultivating business, or staffing booths at farmers' markets. The food hub is helping strengthen the small farm economy while promoting access to fresh foods.

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  • Africa turns to telemedicine to close mental health gap

    Even before the coronavirus pandemic limited access to health care facilities, health specialists across Africa were already beginning to turn to technology-based mental health services to offer care with fewer barriers for patients. Despite its growth in use during the pandemic, some doctors caution that it does not necessarily replace in-person consultations, but is still very useful.

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  • Rural America Is Building Its Own Broadband Network

    Co-ops that have historically brought electricity and telephone services to rural America are now providing internet service, which many consider essential for health care access, education and employment. Broadband companies don't make a profit when covering a large area with limited households per mile so co-ops have filled the need. Many co-ops are tapping into federal funds from the CARES Act to invest in the infrastructure needed to bring high-speed, affordable internet to rural areas.

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  • Terapie z obýváku: Řešení v době, kdy úzkostí přibývá

    Psychologové a terapeuti museli v průběhu koronavirové pandemie omezit či zcela přerušit své služby. Část z nich se proto přesunula do online prostoru nebo zavedla krizové linky, aby svým klientům v případě potřeby nabídla alternativu. Terapie na dálku umožnila flexibilnější a bezpečné setkávání se s terapeutem i v době nepříznivé epidemiologické situace. U řady lidí pomohla překonat pocit stigmatu, kterému čelí, když jdou na terapii osobně. Přes řadu nesporných pozitiv zůstává celá aspektů nové služby nedořešena. V době covidu službu hradily zdravotní pojišťovny, ale šlo jen o dočasné řešení.

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  • Cold Hard Cash for Your Greenhouse Gas

    Refrigerants being used in old air conditioners or grocery story cooling systems leak into the atmosphere contributing to global warming. Tradewater, a company in Illinois, picks up these containers, destroys the refrigerants, gives them cash, and then sells them as carbon offset credits. They collect up to 250,000 pounds of refrigerants per year, but there is still more out there. Supermarkets in the United States could switch to more natural refrigerants, but barely 1 percent are known to have done that. Getting rid of these refrigerants can be an important solution to combating climate change.

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  • Their App Sends Free Mail to Incarcerated People. Now They're Helping Prisoners Register to Vote

    Ameelio is a technology startup launched by Yale students to facilitate free communication between people who are incarcerated and loved ones. In their first six months, the group went from sending 300 to over 4,000 letters a week to facilities in the United States. Their initial goal was to provide a not-for-profit alternative to the oftentimes predatory prison telecommunications industry. Recently they began a voter registration initiative where they send registration instructions, a blank voter registration application, and ballot request form to people who are incarcerated and eligible to vote.

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  • Addressing Rural Food Deserts With Very Small, Local Agriculture Projects

    In a rural town in Wisconsin, a pilot project that hinges on micro-agriculture is bringing fresh produce to residents who do not have easy access to healthy, affordable food. The project, which has now partnered with food banks and Feed America and expanded to 27 states, provides a "farm in a box" to community members who are interested in pursuing small-scale local farming.

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  • How nonprofits stepped up training for campus journalists despite COVID-19 lockdown

    In Nigeria, nonprofit organizations are helping to organize and deliver virtual journalism-related training to university students who can't attend classes as normal due to the coronavirus pandemic. Although some students have said that the organizations aren't always transparent about the price of the webinars, many have reported that their writing has improved and they have made connections with others.

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  • ‘Energy Aggregation' Has the Potential to Transform How We Get Power, But Hurdles Remain Audio icon

    California communities are turning to “community choice aggregators,” which allows them to buy electricity from green providers and have more control over the energy grid. However, the financial pressure for these programs to offer competitive rates as public utilities can mean that the programs might increase their dependence on cheaper, less green energy sources. So far, 21 of these community-choice programs are in the Golden State, serving 10 million customers.

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  • Growing vegetables in seawater could be the answer to feeding billions

    As climate changes causes seawater to flood land and increase the salt content in soil, farms in Scotland and the Netherlands are experimenting with using the saltwater to grow food. Seawater Solutions is growing crops called halophytes that have a high-salt tolerance and can be eaten or used as material for cosmetics and biofuels. And the Salt Farm Foundation has shown that potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes can grow in saltwater. These projects can labor intensive, but seawater irrigation could be a viable climate adaptation solution.

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