Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Generating energy from trash in Sarasota

    Methane emissions from landfills in five Florida counties are being captured and turned into electrical power. Pipes collect the methane gas emitted by the trash and Aria Energy covers that greenhouse gas into electricity for up to 2,500 homes.

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  • The Town That Extended ‘Smart Growth' to Its Water

    Haunted by a 1962 drought in the town of Westminster, Colorado, the city's planners now incorporate water data in their planning processes to ensure that they never face the same sourcing issues again. By breaking down the silos between its water management and planning departments, the town has figured out how to manage its finite water resources, even in the face of a ballooning population. Now, other towns are following suit.

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  • One overlooked way to fight climate change? Dispose of old CFCs.

    Banned refrigerants called CFCs are being cleaned up and recycled to help offset climate change. The refrigerants were banned decades ago as part of the Montreal Protocol due to the extremely destructive effects they carry with them. The voluntary carbon market has allowed private companies in countries with more resources to travel to countries like Ghana and Costa Rica to transport the CFCs, clean them, and offset their carbon footprint on carbon markets.

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  • Can rice husk briquettes stem the tide of mangrove deforestation in Myanmar?

    Recycled waste from rice mills offers an alternative to mangrove forests as a fuel source. In the Irrawaddy Delta in Myanmar, rice mills are beginning to use their byproducts to create rice-husk briquettes. The logs, made from byproducts previously discarded by rice mills, provide a fuel source for individuals and other businesses that traditionally rely on charcoal. Using recycled rice husks reduces waste and offers a way to alleviate the exploitation of mangrove forests, which act as a vital natural barrier against cyclones.

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  • Marijuana tax money targeted for Colorado's full-day kindergarten rollout

    Colorado may tap into an unlikely funding pool to finance the state's expansion of full-day kindergarten - marijuana taxes could help to pay for new furniture and other infrastructure needs in some of the state's most rural and resource-deprived schools.

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  • Medical Supply Drones in Rwanda

    The first of it's kind, a medical drone base has opened in Rwanda that aims to cut down the time it takes to deliver blood from blood banks to hospitals. Serving 21 rural health facilities throughout the region, the approach is also helping put Rwanda on the map as a technology hub.

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  • University of Maryland adds EpiPens to all campus cafeterias

    Food allergies can be deadly for many in America, but thanks to collaborative efforts between doctors and lawmakers in Maryland, universities are now stocking dining halls with EpiPens. Staff in the dining halls have also undergone training so they're confident administering the drug if the occasion arises that someone presents with a reaction.

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  • In effort to prevent overdose deaths, state plans to put ‘NaloxBoxes' in public buildings

    As states continue to tackle a nationwide opioid crisis, one tactic that is being tried is making treatments of overdoses more accessible. By installing boxes containing the overdose reversal drug naloxone in public places, the state of Maine hopes to not only save lives, but also decrease stigma and increase communication.

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  • One she called the 'minister of love'. The other? He was the 'minister of finance'.

    South Africa is looking to tackle their HIV epidemic by changing the perception around preventative measures such as the PrEP prevention pill. Desmond Tutu Foundation’s PrEP program focuses on marketing the PrEP pill to those with a high risk for contracting HIV and so far has distributed the medication to 12,000 people.

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  • Want to Address Food Insecurity in Your Community? There's an App For That.

    Pittsburgh-based nonprofit 412 Food Rescue is saving food from landfills and feeding those in need by getting produce, with minor bruises or almost past sell-by dates, into the hands of food insecure people. The organization, which partners with government housing authorities and other sites like daycares, uses its Food Rescue Hero app to connect volunteer drivers with grocery stores and restaurants who have excess food to donate.

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