Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • City Is Unequal for Bike Users

    A report by the Rails to Trails Conservancy in Milwaukee shows how access to bike paths can be a catalyst for development and economic growth in low-income, minority neighborhoods where people are less likely to be able to afford a car. Ironically, those are the neighborhoods that currently have the fewest bike trails. To call attention to this, the study includes a "connectivity score" outlying the massive potential that bike paths have to connect neighborhoods with schools, hospitals, and employment centers and improve overall quality of life for the city as a whole, as they have done in Minneapolis.

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  • Clean Energy Training & Solar Comes To Nepal UNESCO Heritage Site

    Grassroots organizations, Empowered by Light and Empower Generation, are killing two birds with one stone: bringing clean energy to rural Nepal, and creating jobs for Nepalese women in the environmental sector. By helping to install electricity-generating solar panels, which simultaneously prevents illegal animal poaching, women are provided not only with a stable income and a ladder to reliable economic growth, but also with a rich work-life balance, allowing them to become “clean energy entrepreneurs” while continuing to care for their families and tend to their village’s needs.

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  • Why Singapore housing wants Trash 2.0

    By creating pneumatic refuse systems, Singapore is hoping to reduce both the man power necessary for waste collection as well as the environmental impacts of open systems.

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  • How Prisoners' Family Members Can Assist Overworked Public Defenders

    Public defenders' caseloads are too large for them to be able to provide the details that a loved one of an offender can provide in court. Participatory Defense programs train loved ones of the offender to be able to provide a testimony, often resulting in less severe sentences.

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  • Innovators Face Challenges in Breaking Down Barriers to Capital for Underserved Entrepreneurs

    Existing services and resources for entrepreneurs disproportionately do not help minorities and women, making it difficult for them to become successful. Programs such as MORTAR aim to help these under served entrepreneurs by providing capital to help their businesses take off.

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  • A Haven From Trauma's Cruel Grip

    Victims of trauma are at risk for substance abuse, depression, or other difficulties. Trauma Recovery Centers are becoming increasingly prevalent for their ability to provide a wide range of services.

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  • How 3 Cities Are Using an App Designed to Help Them Collaborate

    Cities are often alone in trying to develop solutions to their problems. The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago developed an app— "The Peer Cities Identification Tool"— that matches similar U.S. cities and encourages discussion about challenges and successes.

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  • Can Churches Help Supply the Foster Homes L.A. County Needs?

    Los Angeles County has lost half of its foster homes and is projected to sink further into a deficit over the coming years, which is a concerning for the future of foster children. Recently, faith communities have become more involved in this problem including having events at churches to allow potential foster families to learn about fostering and apply quickly.

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  • The Answer To Oregon's $8 Billion Health Problem Lies In 1970s Maine

    For decades, Franklin County's comprehensive healthcare plan has kept its residents some of the healthiest people in Maine despite being some of the poorest as well. Now, Oregon is looking to do the same.

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  • Turning Goats into Water

    Fariel Salahuddin was determined to tackle the extreme lack of access to fresh water she encountered in rural Pakistani communities, but she wanted the model to be sustainable, not dependent on donations. Most of the communities didn't have regular access to rupees to help sustain their solar water pump micro-enterprises - what they did have, however, were goats. Salahuddin set up a scheme where villagers could pay for their clean water access with livestock instead of cash, which she then sells using Facebook at high rates during Muslim festivals to generate a sustainable revenue source.

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