Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Did we Save the Ozone Layer?

    CFCs, chemicals created in the early 20th century, were an industrial success but destroyed the atmosphere. How a group of environmentalists, scientists, and lawyers in the 70s/80s raised public awareness which ultimately led to the most successful treaty ever, banning CFCs.

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  • Barriers to Reforming Police Practices

    With the police killings of Freddie Gray, Laquan McDonald, and other black lives across the country, the problem remains how to reform police departments and reduce excessive force on unarmed men and women. Procedural justice is a strategy that centers on legitimizing the law for at-risk communities by building trust, so that the environment of policing changes to one of respect and less crime results. Procedural justice has begun to be implemented across U.S. police departments with some measurable successes, although police accountability remains important and should be an extension of the strategy.

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  • London feels strain of its aggressive fight against extremism

    Non-profits like Active Change Foundation in London leverage community outreach and personal relationships to intervene on extremist behavior and prevent radical recruitment. But when attempting to partner with the government for resources and funding, they face challenges of credibility, discrimination, and mismanagement. As anti-radicalization efforts are stepped up in the USA, Twin Cities looks to learn from the mistakes and successes of this tricky parity.

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  • A Strategy to Build Police-Citizen Trust

    The increase of violence between the police and Black communities across the country requires a reconstruction of the relationship that addresses empathy, trust, and crime reduction. The Department of Justice has developed test programs in different cities that train police officers in procedural justice. The early results of this program in Stockton, CA show that communities and police have built trust and law legitimacy, while the crime rate has not increased.

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  • How Malawi Girls Combat Sexual Abuse – Self Defense

    Sexual abuse and rape are frequent and accepted parts of the social fabric in Malawi. To combat that, Malawi girls and boys take self defense classes to learn how to avert assault in order to protect themselves and others.

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  • Ideas to Save our Failing High Schools

    Young people are graduating from high schools and not ready for college level work. Liz Willen describes different initiatives around the United States that have provided solutions for improving secondary education. She addresses the importance of STEM, role models for students, and project-based learning.

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  • How Amazon Adapted Its Business Model to India

    Amazon saw a business opportunity in India: it could engage with the large, young population while also helping small vendors sell their goods on the internet. Amazon Chai Cart built relationships with vendors and educated them about e-commerce opportunities. Then, Amazon Taktal helped business owners set up their online presence. Finally, Amazon worked with small businesses to set up internet access for their communities, allowing the company to overcome India’s logistical hurdles with ease.

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  • The New Officer Friendly, Armed With Instagram, Tweets and Emojis

    With so much police brutality upon black men in the news, police departments across the country have been perceived with suspicion and fear. A police officer in North Little Rock has sought to change the perspective of the police through videos on social media and actions toward community policing.

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  • With trust and street cred, organizer works to change lives in north Minneapolis

    Gang violence in Minneapolis has caused many gun-related deaths and the destruction of families. One community organizer, a former gang-member and drug dealer, builds trust with at-risk youth that are on the edge. He visits kids, helps them get to job interviews, reviews homework, and listens to their individual struggles.

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  • District policing finds success in Sun Prairie

    In Sun Prairie, policemen would frequently rotate their districts and feel that they were unable to help people who were in trouble because there was not enough time to know the residents. Now Sun Prairie has begun district policing, which positions policemen in different districts for one year before rotation. The police have found that they are able to problem solve situations better, requiring less force and more interpersonal skills, especially for individuals with mental health disorders.

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