Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Danish School Builds Network For Refugee, Migrant Women In Technology

    The ReDI School of Digital Integration offers free technology classes to women with migrant and refugee backgrounds, as well as career resources such as mentorships, company visits, talent matching, and internship opportunities. More than 500 students have participated in the school's Denmark-based programs.

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  • What Happens When Christians and Muslims Translate Scripture Side by Side

    A Bible translation ministry, unfoldingWord, worked with the Church Growth Project of Chad to translate the Bible into 10 minority languages. The organizations held workshops to train those who speak the language that were interested in getting paid to translate the work, the majority of whom were Muslim, and worked in teams to do so.

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  • A tweak to help potatoes withstand late blight disease

    Researchers bioengineered potatoes to resist late blight, a disease that ruins harvests, so farmers in Nigeria can have reliable yields and incomes. The new potatoes were cultivated by combining the potatoes farmers like to grow with wild potatoes that naturally resist mold.

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  • Una vivienda para cuidar la salud de personas sin hogar

    Las Viviendas para la recuperación de la salud de Hogar Sí son un proyecto pionero en Europa que ofrece una solución a las personas afectadas por el sinhogarismo mayores de 18 años que tienen problemas de salud o necesitan cuidados paliativos, por un diagnóstico médico o alta hospitalaria.

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  • Turning the Tide on Gun Violence

    Community-based intervention programs such as Cure Violence in Grand Rapids, Mich. focus on strengthening collaboration among different organizations and leveraging outreach workers with existing relationships in the community. Cure Violence's south service area saw an 11.5% decrease in violent crimes after the program was implemented.

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  • "We must not give up:" Dnipro School of Superheroes teaches young patients

    The School of Superheroes brings teachers into hospital wards to work with children being treated there. The individualized lessons give the children something to focus on besides their illness and help them build relationships with their teachers and other students.

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  • The TriTown Connector in Great Barrington, Stockbridge and Egremont offers on-demand ride service for everyone

    The TriTown Connector is a microtransit service providing rides between three rural communities in western Massachusetts, with reduced fares for senior residents. Rides are scheduled in advance by phone and via an app, and the service has completed roughly 350 trips in its first month of operation.

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  • Leaders in Black community teach healthy ways of expression

    At the Crenshaw YMCA, Black men and youth are able to get together to play basketball as community leaders discuss mental health with those in attendance on the court, working to break centuries of stigma surrounding Black men and mental health. Playing basketball and working at the YMCA offers a sense of community and shows youth there are other ways to express their emotions besides resorting to violence.

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  • How Conecta Arizona is Fighting Mis- and Disinformation in Latinx Communities in the United States

    Conecta Arizona is a WhatsApp-based Spanish-language news service originally created to help combat misinformation in migrant communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three years since its launch, the service reaches more than 100,000 people and partners with freelance journalists and experts to provide information on voter registration, mental health resources, immigration laws, and more.

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  • How success coaches anticipate and tackle college students' challenges

    Dallas College’s success coaches provide more hands-on advising for students, helping them not only navigate their coursework and degree trajectory but also connect with resources such as help with transportation and food aid. The college has nearly 240 success coaches serving more than 64,500 students.

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