Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The University Of Texas Makes Major Investment To Address Deficits In Campus Sexual Assault Research

    2014 was a year marked nationwide by activism and unprecedented federal attention to the issue of campus sexual assault. The University of Texas system is putting $1.7 million into a comprehensive, multi-year effort to combat sexual assault on campus.

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  • How Chicago is improving HPV vaccination rates

    Multi-faceted efforts are being used by Chicago health providers to raise HPV vaccination rates. In the primary care practice, providers are using workflow tools such as flagging patient records in the appropriate age range when they come to the office and having multiple providers remind patients and families about vaccination. School-based clinics are taking advantage of being geographically co-located with their patients by texting students to make sure they come to the clinic for their vaccinations. Additionally, an awareness campaign was launched on radio and TV.

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  • Gay and Lesbian Liaison Police Unit

    Crimes against LGBT citizens have gone underreported in many U.S. cities. Washington DC’s Gay and Lesbian Liason Unit has employed and trained LGBT officers to represent community members that they protect and serve. After the establishment of the GLLU, the number of reported crimes has increased, demonstrating the comfort and trust that the community has with law enforcement.

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  • A circle of moms: MAHEC finds success with group care model

    Expecting mothers, especially young ones, can often feel scared and unprepared about the pregnancy process. Maternity meeting groups help them gain more support and knowledge about their future pregnancies.

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  • How Berlin is helping immigrants and trying to get residents to think differently about national identity

    28% of Berlin's population is foreign-born, with residents from more than 180 countries. Berlin is making efforts to incorporate these immigrants by providing them with legal support and employing them in city government.

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  • Why police don't pull guns in many countries

    More-rigorous police training, changing the way officers interact with residents, and requiring more education for cops has helped limit police shootings in Germany, Britain, Canada, and other nations. Their approaches may serve as a model the United States, which grapples with a number of police shootings that vastly and exponentially outnumber that of other industrialized countries.

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  • The Case Against Isolating English Learners

    School districts across the country struggle with helping their “English-learner” students learn English and academic content at the same time. Kearny High School in San Diego does not isolate these special students, instead using the school-within-a-school model to help place their non-English speakers in content areas that interest them. This model has shown to put the English learners at Kearny in the top API scores in the San Diego district.

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  • Detroit Team Shrinks Breastfeeding Disparities

    At St. John Hospital in Detroit, the principles of cultural sensitivity and collaboration—as well as lots of fundraising—have boosted previously low breastfeeding rates by black mothers.

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  • Watch Out for Refugees

    Bavaria has integrated thousands of refugees into the public sphere by helping them learn German, find housing, and maintain employment through apprenticeship programs and other volunteer-run organizations in the community. Now, with Bavaria as an unlikely example, the Czech Republic looks to these program models in the wake of its own refugee crisis.

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  • Pozor, uprchlíci

    Česko odmítá uprchlické kvóty. Místní politici říkají, že společnost není na příchod a integraci utečenců připravená. Budují v lidech strach z toho, že migrace rozvátí zemi. Zcela odlišný obraz uprchlické krize nabízí sousední Bavorsko. Tato spolková země integrovala tisíce uprchlíků, kterým pomohla naučit se německy, najít si bydlení i najít a udržet si zaměstnání. Využívají k tomu dobrovolníky, kteří téměř po celém Bavorsku organizují vzdělávací a volnočasové aktivity.

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