Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Power, and Process, of a Simple Solution

    With the creation of oral rehydration solution, diarrhea can be treated by inexpensive, homemade remedies. O.R.S. has undeniably helped Bangladesh make big strides in improving child health in recent decades thanks to thoughtful, systemic implementation, and it is now distributed by UNICEF in more than 60 countries.

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  • How Cincinnati Revitalized Police-Community Relations

    After a policeman shot and killed a teenage African American, a community in Cincinnati blamed law enforcement for racial profiling and riots expanded throughout the city. With the help of the Department of Justice as a mediator, Cincinnati made policy changes. The city now has an African American Police Association that brings police officers in communication with representatives of communities.

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  • How Bronx's Eagle Academy helps inner-city kids soar

    Eagle Academy in the Bronx combines rigorous academics, high expectations, and a structured environment to help minority students succeed.

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  • Low-Income Latinas Turn to Group Visits for Prenatal Care

    Studies show group prenatal care leads to better birth outcomes when compared against standard care. Centering Pregnancy in San Francisco is a space for women with similar gestational ages to meet, learn about self-care, and have facilitated group discussions.

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  • Abortion and Birth, Together

    A Buffalo, New York clinic provides a space for both abortions and natural births. In looking at the experiences as a continuum, rather than as juxtiposing sides, the hope is to change how people think about the birth experiences.

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  • The Fight Against Fake Drugs

    In many poor countries, counterfeit medicines are an enormous problem. A quarter-million malaria deaths each year might be prevented if the patients were treated with real drugs instead of fake ones.

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  • High poverty, high test scores: Auburn school is a shouting success

    As school poverty rates goes up, learning and test scores fall. At Gildo Ray elementary school in Washington state uses a teaching method called director or explicit instruction, in which children learn from a structured approach to teaching with teacher-guided practice. Gildo Ray’s test scores in math and reading are among the highest in the state.

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  • A second chance for a violent 16-year-old

    In Clayton County, Georgia, the Second Chance Court is using a different tactic to give offenders the opportunity to move forward. The program, started in 2010, allows selected teens to attend counseling and classes – often with their parents – centered around self improvement and appropriate behavior. Collaborating with a community organization, the Second Chance Court has been able to reduce recidivism in youth.

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  • From slipping through the cracks to the college track

    The Rainier Scholars program in Seattle places fifth graders, who are all minorities, in special coursework through middle and high school, finally offering rigorous college coaching. In Oakland, CA, the National College Advising Corps directs recent graduates into schools to be role models and guides for at-risk students.

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  • Tackling Mass Incarceration

    Deep-end youth frequently have extensive criminal records, incomplete education histories and no formal work experience. These backgrounds make them hard to retain in programs and even more difficult to place in gainful employment if/when they are released from prison.

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