Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • “Meet a Jew,” Germany's New Scheme to Convince the Country That Jews Are People

    Through the "Meet a Jew" program launched by the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Jewish volunteers visit schools, universities, sports clubs, and religious centers to share their stories with non-Jewish Germans and combat growing antisemitism. The initiative held 540 sessions in 2021 to facilitate conversations about what it means to be Jewish and how Jews fit into German society.

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  • Why Getting Vaccinated at Church Might Be the Future

    To increase vaccination rates, especially among Latino and African American communities, Harris County developed its Partner Incentive Program, which reimburses churches, mosques, and community centers for holding vaccination events. The county offers $50 for every person that gets a first vaccine dose, up to $5,000, and gives a $100 voucher to each individual for their first shot. More than 3,000 vaccinations have taken place at these events, where trusted community leaders are involved.

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  • No Longer ‘Under the Radar,' Louisiana Black Fathers Group Looks to Expand ‘Dads on Duty' as a National Response to School Crime

    Dads on Duty is a group of roughly 40 fathers who routinely spend time at a Shreveport, La. high school to connect with students one-on-one and steer them away from gang culture. The school has not had any large fights since the dads began visiting, and their success has been partially attributed to the fact that several of the group's members were already involved in the school community and building relationships with students.

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  • The priests navigating Colombia's conflict zones

    Shielded by cultural deference to the Catholic church, Colombian clergy venture into conflict zones to document the clashes, provide aid, and mediate disputes between civilians and armed guerrilla groups. Their efforts have helped response organizations access difficult-to-reach areas and drawn renewed attention to the crises.

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  • Trolley Times

    To help protestors communicate more effectively across large demonstration sites in Delhi, activists created Trolley Times, a digital and print newspaper dedicated to chronicling the farmers protest movement. The paper's circulation grew from around 1,000 copies to roughly 7,000, and it has attracted tens of thousands of followers across online platforms, helping to amplify the movement's message outside of Delhi and India.

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  • Another Challenge for Conservation Efforts: Gender Inequity

    In the environmental sector there is still rampant sexism, women find it difficult to enter leadership positions and face discrimination, according to a six-author study. However, the study also shows that when women are in leadership positions factors that indicate success go up. Women are more likely to say yes to new conservation projects and are more willing to compromise. Case studies from the Maite Marine Sanctuary to the Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation show that women in leadership positions are succesful.

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  • Communities explore out-of-the-box mentorship programs to reduce gun violence

    Richmond's Operation Peacemaker Fellowship pairs mentors with young people at risk of violence, paying the youth a stipend if they meet particular goals toward a more stable and safe life. The mentors are former gang members and others with criminal records who earn the trust of their clients through their experiences and independence from the police. Other cities have adopted this model or similar approaches to preventing gun violence. One study said the Richmond program may have contributed to a significant decline in violence in that city.

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  • Evidence-based reentry resources key for sicker incarcerated population, researchers say

    Community health workers with North Carolina Formerly Incarcerated Transition Program (NC FIT) counsel people recently released from jails and prisons to help them get the care they need for mental and physical health problems. The program closes some but not all of the gaps left by the state's inadequate Medicaid coverage and prison health services. Banking on the trust that comes with shared experiences, the formerly incarcerated health workers can connect people with medication-assisted treatment for substance use, covid-related treatments, and mental health care, all common ailments post-incarceration.

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  • Solidarité : des sans abri hébergés dans des entreprises

    Les Bureaux du Coeur est une association qui recrute des entreprises pour proposer leurs bureaux comme hébergement temporaire à des personnes en situation de précarité. Cela permet aux clients de se concentrer sur leur vie professionnelle et leur réinsertion.

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  • To Fight Rising Murder Rate, More Cities Find, Mentor and Pay Likely Shooters

    Advance Peace Fresno tries to turn youth away from violence through mentoring, job training, and by paying them a monthly stipend of up to $1,000 if they hit certain benchmarks in their rehabilitation. The program has recruited 19 young people for its fellowships, following a model that is associated with violence declines in Richmond and Sacramento, and is spreading to multiple other cities. Opponents of the stipends say the agency should not pay people to obey the law. But Advance Peace's strategy is based on using the promise of legitimate income to keep people engaged.

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