Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Would better policing reduce gun violence in Philly like it has in Camden?

    For a city like Philadelphia, with rising violence and a lack of community trust in the police, Camden and Newark serve as examples of the positive changes that come about when outside forces impose the kinds of reforms that the community seeks. After significant makeovers, both cities' police departments have earned greater trust by being more effective and less brutal. Crime is down and police use less force, including not a single police shooting in Newark in 2020. The lesson in both cities: community involvement in crime reduction is key, but better policing also must be a part of the response.

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  • How Jos Neighbourhood Watch Makes Christians, Muslims Their Brother's Keeper

    Following years of religious-based violence throughout Plateau State, Christians and Muslims in the Dutse Uku area of Jos formed a neighborhood watch program to intervene before one killing turns into many. Elders on both sides of the divided community agreed to take responsibility for violence in their area and to help the other side seek justice. Places of worship are guarded by members of the opposite faith, in a show of solidarity that has not completely erased fears and suspicions, but has bred a calmer atmosphere. People now mingle freely at the marketplace and business has improved.

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  • Study Shows Gun Violence Program Working

    Advance Peace mentors young people at risk of committing or suffering gun violence, guiding them through a "life map" process to exit street life and set goals for a safer, healthier future. The program, which started in Richmond and has expanded to other cities in California and beyond, contributed to a 22% decrease in gun homicides and assaults in an 18-month period. The decrease was 39% in the first targeted neighborhood. Mentoring includes linking youth to cognitive behavioral therapy, jobs, and field trips to expand their experiences. When they meet certain goals, they get paid a "life map allowance."

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  • Cornerstone Baptist Church is launching a grocery store to address food insecurity in South Dallas

    Cornerstone Baptist Church is spearheading the redevelopment of Struggs’ Cornerstone Heights Neighborhood. In 2019, the church opened a laundromat and bike shop and last year the Cornerstone Community Kitchen began serving free hot meals to locals experiencing homelessness. The Church is soon launching a community market where local residents can access fresh, affordable food.

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  • A Community's Response: How one Arizona tribe battled COVID-19

    The White Mountain Apache Tribe in eastern Arizona was able to slow the spread of Covid in the community by implementing a daily routine of "contact tracing, surveillance of high-risk individuals, and vaccinations." Since starting the regimen – which includes going door-to-door to community members' houses to monitor potential exposures, symptoms, and to offer vaccines – the tribe has curbed the spread and hasn't reported any more deaths in months.

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  • How Sedgwick County teamed with the Black community to fight the pandemic

    To help protect the predominantly Black community in Sedgwick County, Kansas, the county collaborated with local leaders and residents to create an information and messaging campaign that specifically addressed community concerns. Although the funding allocated to these efforts wasn't as plentiful as community leaders were asking for, the targeted outreach has helped to increase communication and trust around public health messaging.

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  • American cities have long struggled to reform their police – but isolated success stories suggest community and officer buy-in might be key

    One police-reform program that outperformed and outlasted most cities' attempts was Cincinnati's "collaborative agreement," an unusual team effort focused on community involvement at every step. Sparked by a controversial police shooting of an unarmed Black man, the program went beyond federal government and court oversight to include other key stakeholders in the community and police unions. Changed policies on use of force, crime prevention, and police accountability led to lower crime, improved police-community relations, fewer injuries, and fewer racially biased traffic stops.

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  • How vaccination became 'hip' in the '50s, thanks to teens

    In the 1950s, the National Institute for Infantile Paralysis launched a nationwide public health campaign to encourage teenagers to receive the polio vaccine. Tactics included interviewing and recruiting teenagers to be spokespeople to better frame messaging around vaccine hesitancy and make the act of getting the vaccine "cool."

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  • How to Sell the Coronavirus Vaccines to a Divided, Uneasy America

    To help address Covid vaccine hesitancy, the non-profit marketing firm Ad Council and its partners developed a multi-dimensional public service campaign. Relying on a balance between appealing to personal responsibility and to the desire to return to normalcy, they focused the messaging and their efforts on encouraging people to do their research and ask the questions that were stopping them from being vaccinated. Preliminary data indicate that the campaign has reached hundreds of thousands of people and encouraged conversations that have impacted the public attitude towards the vaccines.

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  • What Dallas can learn from Oakland's experience in lowering violent crime

    The "striking resemblance" between the gun violence problems of Oakland in 2012 and Dallas in 2020 argue in favor of Dallas' adoption of Oakland's Operation Ceasefire approach to violence reduction. By using a "focused deterrence" strategy of targeting people most at risk of committing or suffering violence, and offering services to change their lives' trajectory, Oakland saw six consecutive years of violence reductions, cutting gun violence rates in half. The program was disrupted by the pandemic, but its reliance on community resources and not just law enforcement is seen as a lasting effect.

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