Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Homelessness on wheels: Boise Police, social workers launch new initiative for those living in vehicles in downtown Boise

    An emergency shelter, a housing nonprofit, the City of Boise, and the Boise Police Department came together to coordinate efforts and give assistance to the growing number of residents experiencing homelessness and living in RVs and cars around the city. The “Street Outreach Support” program involves knocking on the vehicle doors and offering temporary housing and medical attention to those who need it. While there are a smattering of reasons that people are living in their vehicles, the city is searching for a more permanent solution to getting people access to affordable housing.

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  • Minnesota COVID-19 outreach focuses on vulnerable communities of color

    To extend aid to the Minnesotans most vulnerable to the coronavirus, state and local health departments, backed by $4 million in state funding and by community groups' on-the-ground help, conducted an extensive campaign of culturally appropriate outreach to offer free COVID-19 tests and healthcare advice. The efforts have included one-on-one contacts, email blasts to free-school-lunch recipients, and TV and radio ads on media targeting Black, Latinx, immigrant, and refugee populations. Immigrant communities and people of color have been disproportionately hit by the pandemic.

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  • Health workers who deliver: LUTH's resolve to help COVID-19 positive mothers give birth safely

    When the reality of the coronavirus pandemic arrived in Nigeria, health officials at Lagos University Teaching Hospital prioritized preparatory training and created a COVID-19 volunteer team of responders. These efforts proved especially crucial when the need arose to provide care to women who were pregnant and positive for COVID-19. Although it was difficult to assemble a team who would handle the at-risk deliveries, the first attempt proved successful and the team has been able to expand their services since then.

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  • How two local newsrooms are sewing diversity into the fabric of their organizations

    During a year of racial-justice protests nationwide, journalists whose job is to hold institutions to account for racist outcomes have turned their gazes inward, to their own newsrooms. Their efforts have won some progress in diverse staffing at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis and the Express-News in San Antonio. The burden has fallen largely to journalists of color to press for newsrooms that better reflect their communities. In Minneapolis, managers promised a trio of new hires and better training. San Antonio editors began hiring columnists of color in the majority-Latino city.

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  • Community gatherings offer healing for emotional wounds after disasters

    Wildfires cause anxiety and other mental-health problems, but Sonoma County's Latino people can get help from a convivencia: a community gathering hosted by one of the nonprofit health and community centers in the area. To connect with people who may distrust or be blocked from using government-funded mental health care, or who may distrust mental health care altogether, the support-group therapy comes in the guise of a social gathering. Some sessions may focus as well on domestic violence or other social problems.

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  • Africa declared free of wild polio in 'milestone'

    After decades of trying to contain polio, collaborative efforts have resulted in the eradication of the disease from Africa. Although there is still no known cure, vaccination campaigns and collective action from polio survivors have helped to achieve widespread immunization for children across the country.

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  • Grounded by the pandemic, community groups are working to save Cleveland's Census

    With 75 micro-grants totaling $200,000, community organizations in Cleveland encourage people to complete the census in innovative ways. The Cleveland Caravan, or La Caravana, is a collaborative effort where trucks play looped messages in English and Spanish over a loud speaker with information on how to fill out the Census, vote, and stay safe during the pandemic. Asian Services in Action and Us Together, a refugee and immigrant services group, conduct outreach and have helped 1,190 and 700 people complete the Census respectively. Despite these efforts, the city's response rate is comparatively low.

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  • Study Finds Painting Eyes On Cows' Butts Can Save Their Lives

    As a way to prevent livestock from being attacked by predators and to decrease conflict between farmers and big cats, a pair of conservation biologists painted eyes on the backsides of cattle to fool carnivores during their hunt. A study in Botswana showed that cows painted with artificial eyes on their behinds tricked predators into thinking they’ve been seen by their prey. While it’s not a perfect protection method for cattle, over the four years of the study, none of the cows with the colorful posteriors were killed compared with control groups.

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  • Transgender people, who often struggle to access basic healthcare, find safety and support at Summa's Pride Clinic

    Health care providers at Summa Health Pride Clinic in Akron, Ohio are transforming the way care is offered to trans and gender nonconforming people by working to reduce barriers that they often face. All staff undergo LGBTQ+ sensitivity training and the clinic is adorned with Pride flags – two parts of the clinic's overall "blueprint," which doctors say "can be duplicated anywhere in the country."

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  • This AI startup is tackling the coronavirus disinformation deluge

    Logically is a fact-checking app that combines AI technology and human research to assess and label the truthfulness of news articles. The app has about 20,000 users after a soft launch in the UK, with a full launch planned for late 2020. The AI technology, a feature that makes the app unique, tries to match news claims to other sources and then human researchers take over to make a final judgment. The app has been busy fact-checking the extensive Covid-19 related misinformation. Some aspects, like technology glitches and slow fact-checking responses from researchers, still need to be worked out.

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