Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A grassroots policing alternative in Hartford spreads its wings

    Members of a community group in North Hartford, CT, are a positive presence on the streets of the dangerous neighborhood they once grew up in. Men Standing Up Against Violence aim to deter violence, provide support, mediate conflicts, and mentor the youth. The presence of the group was initially unwelcomed by local police officers, but they have proven to be an effective and vital addition to the neighborhood, winning over both the community and the local police department. The group's success is attributed to the trust they've built with locals who often have a deep mistrust and fear of the police.

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  • Community Workers Lend Human Connection To COVID-19 Response

    Community health workers have long been helping people navigate the intersection of health care and social services in the United States, such as in Philadelphia, where one program stands out for its overall design and continuous rigorous evaluation. Studies of the program indicate that those who worked with community health workers improved their overall health compared to those who received standard care. Now, as many cities navigate the Covid-19 pandemic, some officials see an opportunity to expand the workforce to also provide "social, material and psychological support."

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  • This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years

    The CAHOOTS crisis-response program saves its city money and its people living on the streets a great deal of unwanted police contact – contact that in other places is a common cause of excessive force and arrests that solve nothing. And, while less than 1% of its calls require police backup, the resource-thin agency cautions that it is a partner with police, not an antagonistic replacement, and that its model cannot simply be copied wholesale regardless of where it's used.

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  • Comprehensive Services Key In Deterring Violence, Crime and Negative Interactions With Police

    Two programs targeting two types of problems have been successful with one common element: interventions that provide needed social services rather than rely only on police responses. In Baltimore, shootings and homicides in the Belair-Edison neighborhood are down 20% in the year since the Safe Streets program put violence interrupters on the street to cool disputes before they turn violent. In Dallas, the Rapid Integrated Group Healthcare Team's medical and social-worker responses to mental health crises reduced emergency room admissions 30%, replacing arrests with social and health services.

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  • Black lives matter, LGBTQ groups find common ground in fight against police brutality

    Black Lives Matters and LGBTQ protests, set to take place on the same day, merged into a single much larger march demanding civil rights. Racism in the LGBTQ community and homophobia in the Black community have previously led to divides, but people who are members of both the Black and LGBTQ communities have advocated inclusivity and broad representation. Both groups have created space to question how multiple oppressions work in society and where there is overlap between the two. Ultimately, members were able to find common ground advocating against police brutality and systemic discrimination.

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  • Program helps New York home health agency face coronavirus challenges in real time

    A change in communication policies and outreach procedures has helped the UR Medicine Home Care program retain employees during the coronavirus pandemic, despite increasingly difficult work conditions. Part of this effort has included leaders from the program committing to daily check-ins with staff members to discuss work and personal concerns and then addressing those concerns through actions such as implementing child care options.

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  • How a Waco nonprofit built a community grocery store in a food desert

    Jubilee provides an oasis in a desert - a food desert that is. The community grocery store provides the only fresh food for miles around at competitive prices and makes an effort to cater to the local clientele, stocking items that have been requested and offering locals a discount. The much-needed grocer is the work of a local nonprofit, Mission Waco, which worked with the community to assess its need before raising funds from corporations and celebrities. The success of Jubilee serves as an example to food deserts across the state who have looked to it for a blueprint to serve their own communities.

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  • Northern Ireland's police transformation may hold lessons for the US

    With lessons for American police-reform advocates, the transformation of the Royal Ulster Constabulary – a militarized enforcer of inequality hated by the people of Northern Ireland – into an entirely new organization was founded on the necessity of community support. Neither easy nor simple, this 20-year process, following 30 years of conflict, intentionally included recruiting local Catholics in order to win local support. Citizen oversight served as another pillar of the new structure, which still has problems but has won critical political support from Sinn Féin, the leading nationalist political party.

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  • The World's Best Healthcare Systems: Ezekiel Emanuel

    As evidenced in COVID-19 case comparisons, the U.S. health-care system has not performed as well as other countries to offer health-care access, yet is still "spends far more money on healthcare than any other nation." Other countries, such as Switzerland and Taiwan, offer guidance on how to learn from the system's failures, especially as it relates to emergency preparedness and price regulations.

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  • Nuhu Bammali Maternity: Sustaining immunisation gains in Kano despite COVID-19

    When COVID-19 cases began spreading in Kano, the local maternity hospital saw a decrease in patients coming for their appointments, so the hospital adapted and started seeing the women in their own homes. Using their already-established "network of Volunteer Community Mobilisers," the house visits were intended to inform the women about the new safety protocols in place in the facilities and encourage them to have their children receive their standard immunizations. The effort not only resulted in more children being immunized, but also improved the women's confidence of the facilities.

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