Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What Mansfield can learn from the brand Marion made, Fargo's frost-themed festival and Ohio's wee bit of Irish attitude

    Mansfield, Ohio leaders look to cities across the country for inspiration from successes - and lessons from failures - to help them rebuild their downtown brand. From Austin, Texas, to Fargo, South Dakota, these successful cities offer examples of initiatives that have funded revitalization and economic growth in their own city centers by way of community engagement and trust among leaders.

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  • How Grassroots Funds Are Ensuring Abortion Access Despite Bans

    As abortion laws become increasingly restrictive across the southern US, more and more grassroots organizations are working to ensure access to abortions is still available. There exists a network called National Network of Abortion Funds that financially supports access to abortions via dozens of funds across the country. Services offered to women include financial assistance for the procedure as well as transportation and childcare, assigned mentors who are readily available at all times, and assistance for women who are pregnant or mothering.

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  • Isolate, trace and respond: How a new emergency operations centre has improved outbreak response in Kebbi

    Local public health infrastructure makes monitoring and responding to epidemic outbreaks possible. In Nigeria’s Kebbi state, The Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) operates Public Health Emergency Operation Centers (PHEOC), which serve as local nodes in the country’s battle against infectious disease. Each PHEOC coordinates with a local committee of leaders in identifying, isolating, and treating cases of infectious disease.

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  • The End of Time: Aging in America

    Senior citizens can often face many barriers when trying to set up end of life care, and this is exacerbated for minorities due to language and cultural barriers. On Lok Senior Health Services, however, is a program now offered across the United States that helps seniors "age in place, and live independent, active lives," while still planning for the end of life.

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  • How Rwanda could be the first country to wipe out cervical cancer

    Rwanda has launched a community and health driven campaign in order to put a stop to the spread of cervical cancer by educating women about the HPV vaccine. Driven largely by dispelling myths and providing accurate information focused on the vaccine's role in mitigating against cancer, the country has now achieved over 90 percent vaccination rates for girls.

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  • This group wants to unite hikers and hunters on literal common ground: public lands

    A group called Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, now 36,000 strong, is bringing together people from different political and ideological backgrounds over a common interest in the preservation and conservation of public lands and waters. Bucking stereotypes, the group spans the political spectrum, with 33% Independent, 23% Republican, 20% Democrat and 16% unaffiliated in a recent survey. The BHA's recent promotion of the Land and Water Conservation Fund shows that bipartisanship is possible.

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  • Pomůžu ti zažít slast

    Sexualita lidí se zdravotním postižením je v Česku tabu. I oni ale mají erotické touhy a potřebují sexuální prožitky. Situaci se v posledních letech snaží měnit spolek Freya, který vzdělává zájemce o práci sexuálních asistentů a asistentek. Ti pak pomáhají lidem s hendikepem cítit se lépe ve vlastním těle. Ukazují jim, jak jim v tom může pomoct sexualita, erotické pomůcky nebo různé typy dotyku. Služba klientům nabízí šanci naplnit základní lidské potřeby a zažít potěšení. Lidé, kteří sexuální asistenci využívají, říkají, že jim pomohla formovat sebevědomí i psychické zdraví.

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  • 'Hate is always local': the Swedish city that said no to neo-Nazis

    The city of Kungälv, Sweden, with only 20,000 residents, developed a successful initiative to prevent the spread of neo-Nazis after the murder of a fourteen year-old anti-racist activist in 1995. Armed with the theory that "hate is always local," a local teacher created the Tolerance Project, held workshops with local teenagers and took them on trips to Holocaust sites. Now the "Kungälv model" is being practiced and adapted to local contexts around Sweden.

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  • How tech is bringing Israelis and Palestinians together

    Tech2Peace, a student and volunteer-led program, is working to not only teach technology skills to youth, but is also trying to improve Israeli-Palestinian relations through conflict resolution dialogue. The idea behind the solution, is that the communities have to work together in order to master the skills, and then the skills learned will allow the participants to remain in contact after the workshop is over.

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  • Knife crime: Glasgow, Scotland

    In Glasgow, Scotland, the city is taking a public health approach to knife crime. Instead of just grappling with the effects of violence, the city is taking a preventative, multi-pronged approach and addressing some of the underlying issues driving violence and crime in the area. While there are many interventions, common themes include building trust and offering support to those who could be vulnerable to committing violent acts.

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