Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Lessons for Rochester: Failed Bronx school becomes coolest place in town

    One year after a Bronx school closed its doors to students on the basis of pass rates as low as 10 percent, a pioneering principal reopened the school on the same site with the same students. In the first year, 61 percent of students passed the English language arts exams and 78 passed the math exams. The principal cites parental involvement, external mental health partnerships, and an emphasis on professional development for the remarkable improvements. Could Rochester see the same turnaround in one of its own struggling public schools?

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  • New York is giving free legal advice to thousands of undocumented migrants

    In New York City, a citywide initiative known as Action NYC is connecting immigrants with free legal help and other comprehensive services. While the city provides outreach and coordination, community organizations with more specific language and cultural skills deliver the actual services, helping to engage people who sometimes may be inclined to distrust government services.

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  • Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

    Two programs called FamilyWorks and the Storybook Program aim to improve the relationship between those who are incarcerated and their families. FamilyWorks conducts parenting classes and other education for inmates who may not know how to build a relationship with their children while in prison. Storybook offers inmates the chance to record themselves reading books to send along to their children. Inmates say that both programs taught them a lot and that they are better people for it.

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  • An Orphanage That Doesn't Seem Like An Orphanage

    SOS Children's Villages is a non-profit group that services more than 80,000 kids. Their successful model emphasizes love, family, and relationships, even though the children aren't being raised in a "traditional" family.

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  • Nosy, persistent, brave: the women who catch sex-traffickers red-handed

    In Nepal a team of people monitor border crossings to rescue young women being trafficked into brothels in India. The women are tricked into believing there are jobs waiting for them rather than brutal lives of sexual servitude. The volunteer interceptors work with the organization Love Justice, which says it makes about 90 successful interventions every month, to reconnect the young women to their families or to other organizations.

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  • A Public School That Not Only Keeps Children Safe, But Heals

    Cherokee Point Elementary School in San Diego became a trauma-informed school in 2015, and since then suspensions have fallen to zero (and remained that way since) and they no longer need a campus police officer. The school's approach includes revised disciplinary practices, social-emotional instruction, free breakfast, school-wide training about trauma, strong parental engagement, and intensive individual support. They even partner with community organizations that all them to create and offer a wider variety of services than the school could on its own.

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  • How to Report On Survivors of Gun Violence

    A journalist who has reported for two years on survivors of gunshots offers guidance and advice to others in the media on how to track accurate data on non-fatal gun violence, report empathetically on survivors facing trauma and coping with secondary trauma by hearing these stories. Telling these stories is key to understanding the true scope and impact of gun violence, as well as stories of resilience and hope.

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  • How This DC Birth Center Is Building the ‘Answer for Black Women'

    Community of Hope, a health clinic, is offering a prenatal program called “Centering Pregnancy.” Participants meet bi weekly and cover topics related to pregnancy until the end of their term. The goal is to improve the lives of vulnerable populations, in particular black women who face disproportionately higher rates of maternal mortality rates. "137 women came through the Centering program, representing 78 percent of the delivery clients seen by the nurse midwives at FHBC," and "only 5.8 percent gave birth preterm, and 4.6 percent had infants born underweight."

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  • In the Black Belt, a template for fixing failing sewage infrastructure

    Improving sanitation and hygiene in rural communities requires coordinating experts and policy makers to find solutions that fit. In addition to coordinating research projects on alternative forms of sewage and wastewater management, the Equal Justice Initiative, the Alabama health department, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are working to educate residents about sanitation and public health.

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  • When prisoners own the store, everyone profits

    A unique setup at Spring Creek Correctional Institution means that inmates get to work at the prison’s store, and profits get reinvested into the prison. The arrangement benefits those who work at the store as well as those who have access to buy items. Having the chance to buy quality goods is a way to empower inmates, as well.

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