Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Nigerian Couple Committed to Ending Female Genital Mutilation

    One Nigerian couple is committed to ending female genital mutilation, or the practice of removing a women’s external genitalia. Gift and Augustine Abu travel all across Nigeria to end FGM, which can sometimes lead to death. The couple has devised a master plan, has 84 volunteers, and offer workshops to cutters so they can find alternate sources of income.

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  • Land-conflict mediation in the Great Lakes region

    In the Great Lakes region of Africa, land disputes can escalate to violence. Subsistence agriculture is the dominant source of income, making land precious, and as populations increase and refugees return home, property rights are not always clear. Search for Common Ground is reducing violence by training mediators to find peaceful ways of resolving these high-stakes conflicts.

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  • What happened when Camden started rethinking policing to build trust

    Police reform in Camden, New Jersey has centered on de-escalation and increased surveillance. With these reforms, the city has seen a decrease in violent and nonviolent crime and a decrease in the use of and complaints of excessive force by police. While not without concerns of the increased surveillance, the department says the shift of role from warrior to guardian is showing impact.

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  • The Super-Users Dominating Health-Care Spending

    'Super-users' are people who use the healthcare system a disproportionate amount more. Programs such as One Care are designed to care for these 'super-users' organizing their complex care in order to reduce emergency room visits, prevent unnecessary procedures, and bring the cost of their care down.

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  • Homeless Between the Stacks

    A nonprofit called Breaking Ground has paired up with the Brooklyn Public Library to provide social and administrative services to New York’s homeless population. This unique partnership works collaboratively to build engagement, trust and a housing action plan for homeless people; while the librarians help patrons gather practical housing resources and sift through complex bureaucratic matters, social workers build positive community rapport, and provide more holistic, psychosocial assistance with individual cases.

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  • Inclusive Prosperity in an Age of Local Action

    The West Philadelphia Skills Initiative is working to structure an inclusive economy by bridging socioeconomic gaps between classes; by connecting large employers with the pool of people currently seeking work, this community-empowered group is working to create "an actionable strategy for ... pathways into the middle class"

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  • Can Sex Work Help Heal Trauma and Anxiety?

    For individuals with severe social anxiety, been victims of rape or abuse, or have disabilities they may never have had a sexual experience. Sex workers or surrogates can offer a trusting environment to help these individuals explore their sexuality and help them to heal.

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  • Second Chances

    After serving time in prison, finding a job can be a major challenge. Road 22 aims to help. The luxury clothing brand employs eight formerly-incarcerated women and plans to hire more as business grows.

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  • Ecuador's Push to Let Women Stand During Childbirth

    A program in Ecuador invites indigenous parteras, or midwives, into state hospitals in order to accommodate and better provide services for indigenous women. After the program was implemented the child birth rate dropped from “zero deaths during childbirth, compared to 10 deaths over the previous four years.” It also won an award from the Pan American Health Organization in 2012 for reducing the mortality rate through culturally sensitive care.

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  • Innovators Face Challenges in Breaking Down Barriers to Capital for Underserved Entrepreneurs

    Existing services and resources for entrepreneurs disproportionately do not help minorities and women, making it difficult for them to become successful. Programs such as MORTAR aim to help these under served entrepreneurs by providing capital to help their businesses take off.

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