Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • When Your Child Is a Psychopath

    Children are typically diagnosed with callous and unemotional traits rather than psychopathy, so they are rarely treated properly for the mental condition even though most of these children grow into adult psychopaths. A juvenile treatment facility in Madison, Wisconsin, called Mendota takes in young men who have committed violent crimes and attempts to rehabilitate them in a non-traditional prison system. They have lower rates of re-offending than regular prisons and some of their inmates are able to function normally in society upon release.

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  • Year Up matches urban youth to a hungry job market

    As urban youth struggle to get onto a career track, Year Up equips these young people with technical skills and professional support to help them enter the job market. The initiative has scaled nationally in the United States, and it has given hope to young people while also providing a valuable resource for employees looking to hire competent workers.

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  • Can Churches Help Supply the Foster Homes L.A. County Needs?

    Los Angeles County has lost half of its foster homes and is projected to sink further into a deficit over the coming years, which is a concerning for the future of foster children. Recently, faith communities have become more involved in this problem including having events at churches to allow potential foster families to learn about fostering and apply quickly.

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  • Most states neglect ordering police to learn de-escalation tactics to avoid shootings

    Some cities in the United States have integrated de-escalation and mental health tactics into police training, and have thus seen a decrease in the use of force, as well as an increase in community trust.

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  • Philadelphia Treatment Court gives a 'second chance'

    In Philadelphia, people facing felony drug charges can opt for a yearlong program in a treatment court where their progress is monitored to ensure they avoid substance use, get treatment and stay in contact with their case managers. Judges presiding over the court work with those who miss those goals to help them reflect on how they can graduate, even if there are stumbles along the way. Those who successfully complete the program can work to get the felonies expunged from their records.

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  • Addiction doc says: It's not the drugs. It's the ACEs – adverse childhood experiences.

    ACEs quantifies the adverse event in an individual's childhood, as a means to treat addiction. Understanding addiction as resulting from past events helps to treat these individuals through medication and developing a plan to help each patient live a sober life without medications while de-shaming and de-blaming them.

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  • The Republicans who care about climate change: 'They are done with the denial'

    The Climate Solutions Caucus is made up of half Democrats and half Republicans, by design. Drawing strength from a growing wave of Republican support for climate action, the bipartisan congressional group is an attempt to depoliticize environmental policymaking in the United States.

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  • In Cleveland, co-op model finds hope in employers rooted in the city

    To combat the rapid decline in Cleveland's economy after the manufacturing collapse co-ops have stepped in. Co-ops help residents of poor neighborhoods find jobs, build stability and buy houses. They benefit other organizations by helping them to invest in the community.

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  • To fight domestic violence among Syrian refugees, an outreach to men

    Syrian refugees have experienced an increase in domestic violence, and some men have projected their stresses onto women or their children. Instead of reprimanding the men, some aid organizations have set up support groups designed to help men channel their stress in different, healthier ways. The approach establishes new social norms in how men treat women and view their own masculinity.

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  • How a Nation Reconciles After Genocide Killed Nearly a Million People

    In an attempt to bring peace to a region post-genocide, Rwanda has implemented "Reconciliation Villages" where survivors and perpetrators live side-by-side. This state-mandated reconciliation has lead to community service events that bring the two populations even closer together as they work to better the community they all live in.

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