Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Canada's Successful Drive to Educate Its Indigenous Students

    In Canada, just under ten percent of indigenous adults hold university degrees. Canadian universities are working to make college campuses more welcoming to indigenous communities that have historically been subject to forced and often abusive assimilation in the name of "education." Administrators are incorporating indigenous-focused courses into the curriculum, adding an admissions counselor for indigenous applicants, and creating cultural centers for indigenous students. While many barriers remain, one university has seen a 40% increase in indigenous enrollment since implementing changes in 2011.

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  • Victims of violence finding new hope in hospitals

    Across the country, hospitals are embracing intensive intervention programs to help victims of violence — including those who have criminal histories — after they have been brought in for treatment of injuries. Such programs can help prevent retaliation, reduce the chance a patient will be violently injured again, and put people on track for success.

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  • Heroin scourge: ‘Not a thing being done about it'

    The 'Heroin Epidemic' has taken many lives due to overdosing and HIV. Establishing needle exchange locations, demanding that public officials carry Narcan (a drug that reverses overdoses), treating addicts whether or not they have insurance, and collecting data are all actions that together can significantly lessen the effects of Heroin on communities.

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  • A career close to home: Taos nursing program a model of workforce development

    A UNM-Taos nursing program has been touted by the college and the hospital as a great example of workforce development in a community that has long struggled with economic development. As leaders continue to look for ways to diversify the economy beyond low-paying tourism and service industry gigs, the program might be one example of how to effectively merge education and workforce development.

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  • Job seekers with criminal histories thankful for expungement clinic

    An expungement clinic in Philadelphia allows some with criminal charges in their past to start the process of having those sealed from public view by a judge. The workshops follow the passage of Act 5, a new state law that provides an additional path to expungement besides just a pardon from the governor. Many are hopeful the process will make it easier for people with issues in their past to get jobs and become independent citizens, although there are strict guidelines in the law on who can seek expungement.

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  • New school rules? Swotting up on ‘positive education'

    In an aim to alleviate depression in youth, the concept of "positive education" emerges. While teaching empathy and multilateral collaboration may not be a priority in most teachers' lesson plans, especially ones who rely on standardized test scores, they are necessary skills that students need. This "positive education" ideology should be a priority in curricula as it is valued heavily by future employers.

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  • India's Life Savers

    Cyclones or floods could not close Sneha Center for Suicide Prevention in South India. This volunteer-run clinic is in the country with the highest number of suicides in the world. It is open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, offering confidential support to people in distress. Since its founding in 1986, Sneha has received more than 350,000 calls, as well as in-person visits, emails, and postcards.

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  • Schools help Colombians remember what it means to forgive

    Around 2 million Columbians are enrolled in a government funded program aimed at helping people forgive one another. Former guerilla fighters, militants, and victims of violence get together to talk to each other. “I started feeling less rage. I started feeling this pain.”

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  • Silver Linings: Medical residents make house calls for elders

    Emergency room visits cost money and are not the most comfortable places to be. The Massachusetts-based Medicare program called Independence at Home gives doctors incentives to visit frail patients at home and received a cut of the cost. The program also pairs patients with social workers and continues to save Medicare millions of dollars.

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  • In Bid to Build Trust, New York City Adds Victims' Allies in All Precincts

    Victims of crime suffer a myriad of issues and there haven't been systems in place to support them. 'Safe Horizon' has developed a program to put advocates in each precinct in New York to work with the victims and help provide services.

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