Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • With vast records of police misconduct now public, California news outlets are collaborating instead of competing

    More than 30 California news organizations collaborated to gain access to, and publish news stories about, previously secret police disciplinary cases. Filing more than 1,100 records requests with more than 600 law enforcement agencies, members of the California Reporting Project leveraged each others' resources rather than competing to tackle the massive reporting project made possible by a new state transparency law. The collaboration is an example of local and regional partnerships that have helped a struggling news industry still cover local and state government news.

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  • A new approach: Lane County's efforts to find effective solutions to sex trafficking

    Lane County, Oregon is one of many of the state’s counties working to create a survivor-focused network of responses to sex trafficking. The Lane County Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Multidisciplinary Team is seeking to strengthen existing organizations, like the Department of Human Services, Planned Parenthood, and mental health providers, by connecting them – creating a more efficient, effective response to a uniquely challenging issue.

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  • What a beautiful tiny house in rural Japan can teach us about the health of cities

    A rural Japanese town partnered with AirBnb to create a community home that showcases the community's unique lumber products while bringing tourism into the town. Community members trade off caring for the house, which is made of locally-sourced wood and serves as a focal point for renewal and economic stimulation in the region.

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  • Police accountability: Statewide media coalition pushing hard to acquire police records

    A new California law requiring that police departments make public their records of police officers' misconduct revealed numerous cases that had not been known before. Police unions and state and local governments sought protection in the courts from having to disclose the records, but when they lost those challenges the records began coming out. The California Reporting Project formed as a coalition of news organizations statewide that have teamed up to make full use of the new transparency law. The project filed hundreds of records requests seeking more disclosures.

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  • Detroit Pop-up Midwifery Clinic wants to get neighbors talking about birthing options

    Despite offering services for expectant mothers, Detroit's infant mortality and less-than-adequate prenatal care rates are both negative outliers when it comes to Michigan's statewide statistics for those figures. Realizing that many women may not be aware of the services available, five women created the Detroit Pop-up Midwifery Clinic that brings the educational resources straight to the people that need them.

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  • Helping the Homeless to Make Their Medical Preferences Known

    When people experiencing homelessness are admitted to a hospital, they don't always have advance care directives in place which takes ownership away from them as far as dictating their treatment, who to contact and what to do with their organs should they die. The St. Robert’s Center in Venice, California is working to change this, however, by bringing the necessary paperwork to those that may need it most.

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  • Colleges start looking for ways to house and feed their students who are homeless

    Thirty-six percent of university and 46 percent of community college students in the United States are housing insecure. From providing monthly rent subsidies to allowing students living in their cars to park on campus to matching community college students with empty dorm rooms at nearby schools, colleges across the country are working with nonprofits and housing authorities to develop creative solutions.

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  • Denmark's "sex week" helps kids navigate their sexuality

    Every year, the sixth week of classes in Denmark is dedicated to sex education. Over 20,000 teachers and 400,000 students participate in programming that goes beyond the basics to challenge participants to analyze gender norms, sexual rights, and laws in other countries related to sex.

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  • How North Dakota tribes countered a restrictive voting law

    Native American tribes, community groups, and nonprofits quickly responded to a North Dakota law requiring voter IDs with physical street addresses by holding information sessions, setting up stations to create instant tribal IDs, and placing volunteers at polling stations to assist those who wanted to vote actually be able to do so. Many tribal members rely on post office boxes and do not have an official address on their reservation. Despite some voters being turned away because of their ID, overall there was a record turnout in precincts that include reservations.

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  • Oregon Wineries Come Together To Save Grapes Rejected For Smoke Taint

    Grape growers and winemakers in Oregon recently worked together after a fire burned thousands of acres of land. After contracts were turned down due to smoke taint of the grapes, the Oregon Solidarity project was formed. It sourced winemakers willing to accept these grapes (which were still considered safe), created three special wines, and is funneling all profits back to the growers.

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