Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Is There A Cure For Hate?

    Organizations working to turn people away from violent hate groups have found some success with holistic approaches that include wrap-around services and acknowledging how people get caught up in racist ideology. But finding what works is challenging because so few resources and attention are directed to domestic hate groups. Scaling successful efforts is also difficult because they often involve building personal relationships to help people rediscover their humanity and compassion.

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  • A shocking number of U.S. women still die of childbirth. California is doing something about that.

    While maternal mortality rates climbed in the United States, California decreased its incidence of maternal death in childbirth. A collaborative group formed to study the issue and started the Maternal Data Center to keep track of how and why women died. Other states are trying to replicate their success with a collaborative called Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health.

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  • Emergency Preparedness for Prisons Isn't Just Sandbags and Non-perishables

    After Hurricane Katrina in 2005 stranded people incarcerated in the New Orleans jail without food or water, the city used the experience not to question its disaster preparedness but instead to rethink who needs to be incarcerated in the first place. By easing policies in cash bail and arrests for petty offenses, the city cut its jail population by two-thirds and replaced its flooded jail with one less than one-quarter the original size. The new policies helped inspire Louisiana to revise its sentencing standards in an effort to end its distinction for having the world's highest incarceration rate.

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  • Women in tech are mobilizing to improve access to abortion providers

    A collaboration between pro-choice activists and tech workers is—in the face of increasing restrictive policy—creating access to services and information. Events like the Abortion Access Hackathon provide a means for collective action to create websites detailing the location of clinics and each state’s law regarding abortion.

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  • To Get Rid of Blight, Baltimore Tries Something New

    As Baltimore's population has rapidly declined in the past few decades, outmigrants have left a trail of over 16,000 vacant homes. After decades of underwhelming initiatives, the city thinks it might have found a partial fix - the Vacants to Value program sells city-owned vacant homes to individuals or developers who then have a set period of time to rehab the property.

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  • Jordan's capital is creating green mosques and schools to tackle emissions

    Mosques across Amman, Jordan are adorned with solar panels, resulting in some very energy efficient places of worship (along with many other buildings). The mosques now cover 100% of their energy needs and can even sell excess energy back to the national grid. The city is aiming to become carbon neutral by 2050, and in addition to recycling, environmental education, and solar water heaters, Amman is expanding their ecotourism industry to attract more environmentally conscious tourists.

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  • In North Dakota, Native Americans Try to Turn an ID Law to Their Advantage

    After a Republican led state law that bans people without an address from voting took effect, Native American tribes in North Dakota began organizing to get out the vote. They even began creating their own addresses. They teamed up with Claremont Graduate University in California and overlaid “ voting precinct maps on satellite images of the reservations and assigned each precinct one address.” “The right to vote can be taken for granted until someone tries to take it away from you, and then it can be the reason you do vote.”

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  • The cost of keeping Singapore squeaky clean

    Singapore maintains its state of cleanliness through fines, public education, and an army of low-paid cleaners. Fifty years ago, the Keep Singapore Clean campaign was the first time the government used fines as a method of social control. Now that the city is wealthier, the fines aren’t as effective. Singaporeans rely on cleaners to do the majority of the work.

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  • After speaking out against Harvey Weinstein, two actresses join forces to protect others in Hollywood

    Created by three actors who are sexual assault survivors, Voices In Action is a secure and private system to report abuse. Those that report abuse can be connected to legal representation through the site as well as receive notification if a report is made against their abuser.

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  • In an Indiana river cleanup, businesses and environmentalists cooperate

    The Grand Calumet River in Indiana was once infamous for its levels of pollution and contamination. Although it didn't happen overnight, the introduction of the Clean Water Act led to collaborative efforts to divide and clean the river which was key to restoring the body of water and now serves as a model for other areas facing similar water pollution issues.

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