Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Trees Can Cool Dallas's Concrete Jungle

    In a Dallas neighborhood, environmental organizations are teaming up to plant a tree canopy that will address multiple environmental and public health concerns, while also cooling down the city's urban heat island effect. The solution is focused on helping those who are most vulnerable: seniors, minority residents, and students.

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  • Working together to prevent child abuse

    In order to address child abuse and neglect community members got together to form: R.O.C.K Mat Su, a collaborative organization composed of several organizations that has “teamed up with government agencies, schools and judges to develop a comprehensive solution.” So far, they have been able to train 10 schools to become trauma informed schools, trained over 2,000 people in the community, and created an alternative judicial court for children that prioritizes family reunification.

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  • A Huge Win for Keeping Water Systems under Public Control

    Voting to approve the prohibition of privatizing the city water system was just the most recent success in Baltimore's history of keeping the water system under public ownership. Through efforts pioneered by the city's various communities coming together, the city itself has turned into a model for others to learn from.

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  • Saving Lives With Tech Amid Syria's Endless Civil War

    For people living in Syria, minutes can save people from dying due to bomb strikes. So three men got together and created Hala, and launched a warning system that uses data from aircraft to predict where and when warplanes will strike, then notifies nearby people. Now, the Hala team has 60,000 followers on Facebook, and 16,400 Telegram channel subscribers. “Without the Sentry warning, my family and I would probably be dead.”

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  • Can the Great Lakes continue to fend off an increasingly thirsty world?

    The Great Lakes contain 84 percent of the surface freshwater in North America—a staggering 21 percent of the surface freshwater worldwide. To manage the resource sustainably, all eight lake-bordering states, Congress, and Canadian provinces created the Great Lakes Compact in 2008, which has regulated and curbed water use. An evaluation of the agreement ten years later shows promising yet mixed results. And critically, it asks whether strong policies can withstand a future of growing water scarcity.

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  • Water Protectors Take Action to Keep Pipeline Out of Black and Indigenous Communities

    When construction of the Bayou Bridge pipeline in Louisiana was slated to begin, local citizens formed the L’Eau Est La Vie (“Water Is Life”) camp to establish a course of action to halt the process. Although their main goal is to have an evacuation route planned, the organization is also providing room for the voices of those that will be impacted the most - predominantly indigenous and low-income Black residents.

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  • How This Community Fought for $70 Million in Cleanup Funds — and Won

    Fresno sits in right in the middle of the Central Valley of California. The region is known for its vast agriculture and farming communities, but to locals, it's also known for its horrid air quality. This is especially true in the southwest territory of Fresno, where some of the most economically disadvantaged also reside. After a series of failed attempts by local government, the community took matters into their own hands, joining forces and fighting for the right to design their own plan for better air quality.

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  • This woman bodybuilder in Myanmar is using Facebook to advocate for harsher penalties for rape

    Across Myanmar, women are addressing the high prevalence of rape and sexual violence against women. Some, are advocating for the death penalty for those convicted of rape, some are trying to attack root causes, while others are challenging gender roles. “I’m fighting not someone who will rape me, but I’m fighting the gender roles women are put into ... and I’m encouraging others to do this kind of thing so women aren’t seen as weak victims and are less likely to have this kind of thing happen to them.”

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  • Teenage girls learning science in Colorado's backcountry

    With a shortage of women pursuing careers within the sciences, a program based out of University of Colorado, Boulder is looking to tip the scales. Implemented by two female graduate students, Girls of Rock is open to women and people of color nationwide and provides nearly two weeks of experiential and hands-on learning in the backcountry.

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  • The clock is ticking on dealing with western Kansas' drying Ogallala Aquifer

    Western Kansas' finite Ogallala aquifer is the bedrock of an agricultural region that accounts for 10 percent of Kansas' economy. But thanks to decades of over-drafting for irrigation, the aquifer is on track to run dry in the not-so-distant future. Now some are calling for regional conservation, and some smaller programs have shown promise; however, the challenges of scalability and political wrangling remain vast.

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