Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Push to Turn Church Land Into Farmland

    Churches across the U.S. own a staggering amount of land that often goes unused and untended. FaithLands is an intersectional group of church leaders who are seeking to encourage churches to parcel off some of this land to local farmers who will implement sustainable agricultural practices on the unused land. This solution stimulates the local economies, feeds local people, allows small scale farmers to earn a living, and benefits the churches by turning unused land into profitable land.

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  • Struggling Farmers Turn Excess Milk Into Cheese And Yogurt For The Hungry

    Cows will produce the same amount of milk no matter the demand for the product, and with supply staying steady and demand decreasing, a surplus of milk is thrown out routinely. Through a collaborative effort by farmers and a local non-profit in Pennsylvania, however, a solution has emerged that not only turns the extra milk into cheese and yogurt, but supplies the products to those in need.

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  • Two Seattle tech-training programs — why did one succeed, one fail?

    Two federally-funded Seattle tech training programs tasked with increasing diversity in the industry returned dramatically different results over the course of one year. Experts credit Apprenti's employer-driven nature, use of an online screening tool, and close ties with the local tech community with its relative success in placing 220 people in apprenticeships in its first 18 months. 94 percent of applicants to Aprenti's program were women, veterans, or persons of color, with only 55 percent holding a post-secondary degree.

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  • Can the A.C.L.U. Become the N.R.A. for the Left?

    The ACLU has unrolled a new operation to counter human rights abuses under the current administration. They’ve hired more lawyers, taken 170 “Trump-related legal actions, and filed 83 lawsuits against the Trump administration. They’re also getting more engaged with electoral races, something they have never done before. “That’s the way we’re going to survive this. Pressure in the courts, pressure from the public.”

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  • Can a Web App Help Reduce Nigerian Food Waste?

    In Nigeria, a new app is helping to notify shop-owners when their food approaches its expiration date. Shop-owners can then enact heavy discounts on the item, which are sold to participating non-governmental organizations that distribute the food to those in need. The app, Chowberry, has helped "20,000 households across Nigeria... and receives 6,000 daily visits."

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  • How Denver's Disability Activists Transformed the City

    Disability activists have used nonviolent direct action for decades, including lying in the street to protest inaccessible public transit and crawling up the steps of the U.S. Capital to support the Americans with Disabilities Act. “We have never gone out a door that we do not have a solution for,” says ADAPT member Dawn Russell. “That’s ADAPT 101.”

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  • After Decades of Reform, Has Chicago Finally Learned How to Fix Education?

    In 2017, researchers found that Chicago elementary and middle school students were improving their test scores at a faster pace than almost all of their peers nationwide. Reflecting on this surprising statistic and lessons learned from 30 years of education reform experimentation, CPS points to its emphasis on high quality principal development and teacher mentoring programs as one of the most crucial factors in the turnaround.

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  • How an Unknown Reformer Rescued One of America's Most Troubled School Districts

    In his five years as superintendent of Camden public schools, Paymon Rouhanifard shepherded in a new era of increasing graduation and decreasing suspension rates. Rouhanifard "avoided the extremes of zigzagging educational trends" and combined his background as both a politician and an educator to offer up a long term path to improvement, one that took into consideration the fate of public and charter schools alike. As Rouhanifard moves on, he leaves a unique legacy, one he hopes will prove resistant to the whims of short-term education reform trends.

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  • Immigrant Farmers Revive Dormant Greenhouse to Grow Food From Home

    In a small town south of Seattle an organization called Living Well Kent, made up of immigrants, refugees, and people of color who dominate the region, decided that the best way to promote health in their area would be to start a farmers' market. Now, immigrant farmers grow crops in previously abandoned greenhouses to supply the farmers market and support the local food bank.

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  • Using schools to bring a dying Rust Belt city back to life

    In East St. Louis, which is often known by outsiders for its 50 percent unemployment rate and status as the worst performing school district in the country, leaders are using a "collective impact" approach to improve test scores and social services. Officials and nonprofits have connected all community services "and use the school district, the entity that touches the lives of almost every kid in town, to help parents tap into that network." Longtime residents, who have seen many efforts flail over the years, offer mixed reviews of the newest initiative.

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