Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The 'Most Hopeful' New Housing in Turkey

    After an earthquake devastated the town of Düzce, Turkey, residents banded together to create a housing cooperative and later Düzce Hope Studio, a group of pro-bono architects and engineers working to help rebuild the town. What makes the building team unique is that the design process included and valued residents’ voices. Yaşar Adanah, an urban researcher, states, “What’s happening in Düzce is a rare example of a holistic approach to housing that can be a model for other neighborhoods.”

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  • Mumbai's 'Rainbow Parents' aim to change hearts and minds in India

    Because there is not widespread acceptance of homosexuality in Mumbai, many parents of LGBTQ people struggle to accept it. To solve this, a number of parents formed a group called, "The Rainbow Parents." The group started in February 2017, and membership has been steadily rising since. They discuss the common issues that face them and how to solve them, and they meet regularly with supplemental Facebook and Whatsapp groups. Parents within the group testify to how comfortable and safe the space is.

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  • Introducing the cool way to keep fruits fresh

    To prolong the shelf life of mangos, a cash crop in Kenya, members of the Masii Horticultural Farmers Cooperative in Machakos County have found a way to build innovative coolers that will work without a need for electricity. Although not without problems, like the ability for the farmer's to actually transport their fruit to the coolers, this innovation has allowed the deterioration process to stall for more than 15 days.

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  • Extreme Risk Protection Orders

    If we can't reach consensus on gun laws, what about ensuring people who may be a threat to themselves or the community cannot access their firearms? Extreme risk protection orders are already in place in four states and are under consideration by some 20 more. These orders allow people who have evidence that someone poses a threat to petition a judge. If a judge agrees then police can take someone's firearms on a temporary basis and require the person to attend counseling.

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  • Austin Just Brought Paid Sick Leave to the South

    After a coalition of activists launched a campaign that included phone banking, door to door canvassing, and social media advertising to get the city to pass a universal paid leave policy, they won. Austin passed one of the most progressive paid leave policies, ultimately benefiting more than 200,000 workers.

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  • Since 2007, Peru has saved more than 350,000 kids from being stunted

    Peru formerly had one of the highest rates of stunting in South America, with chronic malnutrition affecting more than 1 in 4 children under five. Thanks to results-based budgeting and a government-wide commitment to fighting child poverty, the country has halved that rate, improving the long-term health and cognitive development of its youngest citizens.

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  • Job Training Synced With Childcare Gets Boston Mothers Into New Careers

    For women looking to acquire new jobs skills, access to childcare can transform their opportunities. Generations Advancing Together through Education is a Boston-based program that provides job training for women along with free childcare, with the goal of placing the women in higher-paid employment. So far, 45 women have benefitted from the program.

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  • How a Liverpool suburb upended its housing market

    To combat neighborhood neglect, a group of community members in Granby, a Liverpool neighborhood, took matters into their own hands by creating a community land trust. The land trust raised funds to reconstruct homes in a unique, sustainable way, and the trust protects housing rates by keeping rates in line with median income of the surrounding area.

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  • A way out of Bozeman's shadow

    Belgrade, Montana, a city 12 miles outside of Bozeman, uses creative financing and revitalization to ensure its identity remains independent from its rapidly growing and ever-popular adjacent city. While many residents of Belgrade work in Bozeman, the city has developed "tax-based renewal strategies" and restaurant liquor license regulations to ensure Belgrade stays on the map.

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  • My Perfect Country: Nepal

    In Nepal, a revolutionary volunteer program called the “Female Community Health Volunteers” has led the country to drastically decline the number of women that die giving childbirth. Over 50,000 volunteers look after pregnant women and inform them of how to take care of themselves. “Between 1991 and 2011, it has seen an 80% decline in the number of women dying in pregnancy, during labour and after childbirth.”

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