Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Germany: Refugee Integration

    When Germany opened its doors to refugees, the country invested heavily in integration assistance, including free but compulsory language and civics courses. Though political division has formed in Germany over immigration issues, the focus on integrating refugees recognizes, and furthers, the potential of new arrivals to contribute to society.

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  • Putting the Voters in Charge of Fair Voting

    Politicians across the country draw voting maps to favor their own political parties. In Michigan, a state with extreme congressional gerrymandering, voters are saying enough is enough. A nonpartisan group called Voters Not Politicians has collected 425,000 signatures in support of a ballot measure to create an independent commission to determine voting districts. The all-volunteer force gathered proposals at town hall meetings and spoke with voters at parades, football games, and even highway rest stops.

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  • To Help Teachers Buy A Home, This Denver Charter Is Taking A Page From California

    Only one percent of Denver teachers have the means to buy a home within the city's limits. Landed, an organization that has located places for California educators to live, is now expanding to Colorado. Buyers provide 10 percent of the down payment, while Landed gives the other 10 percent. A representative from Landed explained, "It is not a loan – it is a shared investment."

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  • Domestic Violence court offers alternatives, hope for future

    In Albuquerque, New Mexico, a domestic violence court offers funnels perpetrators into programs that offer counseling and other services to address the root causes of their behavior. Its two tracks focus on first-time offenders to short-circuit any escalation into chronic abuse, as well as those with multiple domestic violence charges. Judges work closely with participants to encourage them and call them out when they aren't meeting their obligations, and recidivism rates among those who complete the programs are far lower than those who do not.

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  • In a district losing money, students from afar fill the gap

    After a 2010 mill closure led to school staff cuts and student departures and threatened to compromise the central role of the K-12 institution in the community, a small rural town on the outskirts of Missoula took a risk and opened its doors to out-of-district students. By welcoming over 100 new pupils through a screening process and benefiting from the resulting extra state funding, Frenchtown jumpstarted a district-wide revival.

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  • Here's An Innovative Idea: Give Students A Say In Teaching

    Denver Public Schools and other local organizations are encouraging teachers and students to experiment with the physical space and practical techniques of over-standardized curricula. Within these trial schools, called "innovation labs," teachers have piloted grade-free incentive programs and "shadow-a-student" days. DPS hopes that these new initiatives will provide teachers with insights into children's hectic routines and over time increase children's involvement in shaping their own educational experiences.

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  • A group of janitors started a movement to stop sexual abuse

    After a documentary brought to light the prevalence of sexual assault experiences by women janitors, a California janitors union decided it was going to do something about the issue. Women leaders within the union convinced leadership to take on the issue, got a state representative to sponsor a bill to curb sexual harassment in the janitorial industry, and workers held a hunger strike at the state capitol. Every janitor must now have "anti-sexual harassment training," and employers must integrate the law into practice in order to do business.

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  • Colombia's peace agreement is the world's first to have gender at its core

    Colombia’s 2016 peace accord has a chapter on gender and sections specifically responsive to women’s needs, such as an affirmation of women’s right to own land and the establishment of a special unit to investigate conflict-related sexual violence. These provisions, a result of trailblazing inclusion of women and LGBTQ groups in the peace process, break new ground in recognizing the gendered impacts of armed conflict.

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  • In Montana, houses are replacing farmland

    Despite a boom in the economy for Montana, not all are feeling the impact equally. In rural Missoula, farmers are struggling to find ways to preserve their land as developers move to build on the rich soil the farmers can't afford to keep. While many tactics have been employed to mitigate this situation and bridge the gap that is dividing this community, one of the greatest solutions found thus far has been turning an eye to a sister state - Vermont.

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  • The ‘scenery economy' reinvigorates a Montana town

    While many rural towns have struggled to retain residents and jobs, Philipsburg, Montana has enjoyed a newly bustling downtown because of tourism brought to the town by businesses with long-term advertising and renewal investments. Although the economic benefits are clear, residents worry that permanent families still aren't moving in.

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