Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why Summer Vacation Can Mean Empty Plates for 4,000 Seattle-Area Kids

    Food insecure children in Seattle amount to the hundreds of thousands in number. Local nonprofit, Food Lifeline’s Kids Café, has become an accessible option for poor children to receive free nutritious meals and snacks. The operation has expanded to 18 different branches across Seattle in locations where children go for enrichment and is currently looking into establishing locations in rural areas.

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  • Family center offers comprehensive care for the homeless

    Homelessness has many challenges that require different services to aid those who have no place to live—including daycare and laundry. Seattle has established Mary’s Place Family Center, a public space that collaborates with non-profits to provide a multitude of social services to the homeless. Large corporations have donated buildings to serve as Seattle’s Mary’s Place shelters to diminish costs.

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  • United We Fish!

    Local fisheries have been struggling to keep up with major manufacturers. Sustainable fishing practices have been countering that by creating Niche markets.

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  • Citizen-Led Bucharest Park Gets Official Stamp

    In Romania, citizens have led an organizing effort to create their first urban nature park, a particularly important achievement because civilian and government collaborations can be difficult in Bucharest. After four years of debate, research, and approval, the park has been officially recognized and is now working towards becoming a space for recreation, education, and tourism.

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  • For One Million Bolivian Adults, A Taste of School

    From 2001 to 2015, the illiteracy rate in Bolivia decreased from 3 to thirteen percent. The drastic improvements can be credited, in part, to the national literacy program that draws on funding and teaching resources from Cuba and Venezuela. Although the initiative has taken on different shapes over the year, in its current state, 18,000 instructors work with rural adults in Bolivia on writing, reading, and math skills.

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  • Focused crime strategy finds early success. Can it work in Milwaukee?

    A law-enforcement strategy known as the "focused deterrence" approach involves identifying people most at risk to commit or to be victimized by crime — often the same individuals — and hosts meetings where they are offered resources to break the cycle, or, face serious legal consequences. The approach has worked so well in places like Kansas City, Boston, and High Point, that Milwaukee is looking at how to replicate the results.

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  • Smaller Minnesota cities take the lead in sustainability

    Global climate change might seem to call for global action, but there are efforts going on in places you wouldn't necessarily look, with countless examples in cities across Minnesota.

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  • Can Fruit Save Our Food Waste Problem?

    Los Angeles-based nonprofit Food Forward was born out of the observation that many farmers are growing more fruit than they can sell at market. To cut down on food waste and get these viable fruits into the hands of people that are food insecure, Food Forward operates as the "transfer point between donors and receiving agencies," while also coordinating volunteers to forage the local farms and farmers markets.

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  • Houston's solution to the homeless crisis: Housing — and lots of it

    The second part in a series of stories about Seattle's response to their homeless crisis. Here, officials look to the example of Houston to create housing options for homeless veterans and former convicts.

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  • Helinski: A Very Smart City

    Helinski's 'Smart Kalasatama' neighborhood is being planned by city officials, and supported by private investors, to be a vision for the future. Resource efficiency, technology start-ups and modern public transport all come together to what is hoped to be a truly modern part of the city.

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