Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Watch Out for Refugees

    Bavaria has integrated thousands of refugees into the public sphere by helping them learn German, find housing, and maintain employment through apprenticeship programs and other volunteer-run organizations in the community. Now, with Bavaria as an unlikely example, the Czech Republic looks to these program models in the wake of its own refugee crisis.

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  • Pozor, uprchlíci

    Česko odmítá uprchlické kvóty. Místní politici říkají, že společnost není na příchod a integraci utečenců připravená. Budují v lidech strach z toho, že migrace rozvátí zemi. Zcela odlišný obraz uprchlické krize nabízí sousední Bavorsko. Tato spolková země integrovala tisíce uprchlíků, kterým pomohla naučit se německy, najít si bydlení i najít a udržet si zaměstnání. Využívají k tomu dobrovolníky, kteří téměř po celém Bavorsku organizují vzdělávací a volnočasové aktivity.

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  • Agroecology can help fix our broken food system. Here's how.

    What we sometimes call the “agri-food system” is broken — just ask farmworkers and food workers (exploited, underpaid), honeybees (collapsing), forested landscapes (fragmenting), the climate (warming), and the ever-growing number of people without access to nutritious food, or the land and resources with which to produce it. But a new branch of sustainability, agroecology, helps farmers and researchers develop farming practices that enhance soil fertility, recycle nutrients, optimize the use of energy and water, and, perhaps most importantly, increase the beneficial interactions of organisms in ecosystems.

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  • In the Male-Dominated Oil Industry, Efforts to Build Stronger Networks Among Women

    Women are often undervalued, overlooked and discriminated against in the oil industry. To overcome this, women have started to form organizations to support women in their careers and to try to close the gender gap.

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  • How a school is transforming not only its students, but its community

    Cincinnati is making efforts to close the achievement gap between poor children and more advantaged students by fighting the effects of poverty. Lower Price Hill’s Oyler School is part of a growing national movement to help poor children succeed by meeting their basic health, social, and nutritional needs at school.

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  • How some nail salons in California are finding a less toxic way to work

    Nail salons offer services that often are toxic to their workers, from manicures causing acrylic dust in the air to the chemicals that can permeate through skin. Salon workers complain of respiratory problems and sometimes cancer. The California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative offers certification in maintaining safe practices for their workers, offering an incentive for the use of ventilation equipment and gloves.

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  • The Cuban Literacy Campaign

    More than fifty years ago, Cuba eradicated widespread illiteracy in one calendar year, and its literacy rate still leads the world. They achieved it by sending "brigades" of teachers and students to teach adults and children for two weeks.

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  • Hotline volunteers help people cope with mental health crises

    Mental health care often requires a human touch and a personal connection. Tucked quietly in an office park in Grafton, volunteers at the COPE Hotline field nearly 23,000 calls a year from all over the Milwaukee area and some points beyond.

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  • To everyone's surprise, forests are returning to Malawi. Here's why.

    The people of Malawi count on wood for cooking, cleaning, and sanitation, which contributes to the country’s ranking as fifth highest in the world for deforestation. Once thought unsolvable, the people of the country are planting trees, benefiting from water filters, and using efficient cookstoves.

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  • Two Years After Rana Plaza, Are Bangladesh's Workers Still at Risk?

    After a major fire, labor standards in Bangladesh are improving, but workers must have a voice if these changes are to be sustainable.

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