Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Big Lottery Fund puts pound-power into the hands of deprived communities

    For 150 areas in the UK needing the most help, support came in the form of 1 million pound grants to fund community-led projects. What sets this funding apart is that 75% of those on the decision-making boards are local residents. The Big Lottery Fund’s grants have already funded communities markets and local revitalization efforts, and more is on the way.

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  • When a Community College Transforms a City

    In recent years, Columbus, Ohio's community college has taken a leading role in citywide economic development efforts. This has involved bolstering "career pathways" by better aligning high schools, community colleges, and local employers.

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  • Ebola: How Nigeria and Senegal stopped the disease ‘dead in its tracks'

    When the Ebola virus struck Nigeria and Senegal the governments of both countries took several steps to prevent an outbreak. Both countries responded to the first reported case quickly, traced all of the people that the patient had come into contact with prior to diagnosis and monitored them twice daily for signs of the virus. This public health campaign aimed to dispel fear and educate communities on prevention of Ebola.

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  • When 'Collaboration' Is More Than a Buzzword

    In the case of the Columbus Partnership, the word "collaboration" - which often doesn't have much meat behind it in the private sector - is at the core of the civic organization's success. The organization brings together seven Columbus tech companies (all of which are in different economic sectors and therefore don't compete with each other) together to fuel innovation and idea generation. The companies promote business growth and development in the Columbus area, taking advantage of the close-knit community that is fostered by Columbus' relatively modest population size.

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  • Facing grim infant death rates, Milwaukee focuses on black fathers

    Previous efforts to rein in Milwaukee's infant mortality rate have focused on services for mothers: increasing access to prenatal care, treating underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, and reducing behaviors such as smoking and unsafe sleeping arrangements. But four new programs target a less conventional group—African-American men—with the aim of involving fathers early on.

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  • Teaching Parents to Help Stop the 'Summer Slide'

    Middle-class children don’t regress as readers during the summer, because they go to the library, do educational activities, take classes - poor children, however, lose between one and two months in reading achievement. Springboard trains teachers for a summer enrichment program, and has now started to help them coach parents to help their children during the school year.

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  • How Conservative, Tough-On-Crime Utah Reined In Police Militarization

    The militarization of police forces in cases such as Ferguson, Missouri’s riots has led the state of Utah to question what can be done to prevent such an overuse of force from happening. Utah expanded upon a law passed by Democratic legislature in Maryland, which Utah’s ACLU reworked with some libertarians, to require the police to provide data about SWAT team usage. Utah’s success demonstrates that demilitarization bills passed with bipartisan support are not impossible.

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  • Arab Students Grow Community Roots with “Service Learning”

    Service learning is a United-States based term and is often referred to as community or project-based learning in the Arab world. Courses were first labeled “community-based learning” at the American University in Cairo, starting in 2009, according to Elshimi. Now, there are dozens of courses that follow or define themselves by the methodology.

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  • Enough is Enough

    South Carolina has made little progress in addressing domestic violence in the year since it was ranked No. 1 in the nation for the rate of women killed by men. A series of proposed fixes includes screening for lethality and creating a fatality review team.

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  • Wrestling With A Texas County's Mental Health System

    In the United States 20 percent of prisoners have a mental illness. San Antonio law enforcement and mental health workers pooled their resources and worked together to create a one-stop center for the mentally ill to keep them out of prison.

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