Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Taking the classroom outside: How nature is teaching valuable lessons in Uganda

    The residents of Kikandwa, Uganda, came together to create the Kikandwa Environmental Association to implement nature-based solutions in their community. The solutions are combatting climate change and generating more income than options with a negative environmental impact. For example, many people traded cutting trees to make charcoal for selling seedlings at the local tree nursery.

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  • Krakow Can Breathe Again

    An activist organization in Poland, Krakow Smog Alarm, teaches people about poor air quality in their city and helps them organize together to lobby their local governments for effective clean air measures.

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  • 'Valuable and largely overlooked': Interest in virtual power plants grows

    Utility companies across the United States are using virtual power plants to meet electricity demand, access backup power, and lower the electric bills of participants. To make these power plants work, the utilities use energy from the battery storage systems of customers who have home solar arrays.

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  • Grupo liberal busca atraer a votantes latinos con $57 millones en ocho estados

    Ahora aprovechando su éxito en elecciones pasados, Somos Votantes y su comité de acción política trabajan para ampliar la educación y la participación de los votantes hispanos principalmente a través de visitas puerta a puerta, información bilingüe pagada, y una “sólida” organización comunitaria.

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  • India: Back to the future

    The city of Bangalore is combining traditional well-building practices with modern wastewater treatment technology to address the local water crisis. By getting the community involved, they’ve bolstered forgotten wells, integrated advanced filtration systems and made significant progress towards a more sustainable future. One community alone has revitalized 200,000 manholes over the course of eight years.

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  • Rewilding Japan With Clearings in the Forest and Crowdfunding Campaigns

    Conservationists in Japan are rewilding the country’s vast monoculture plantation forests to restore biodiversity and allow the ecosystem to return to its natural state, deciduous forest. They are doing so by turning the tree plantations into meadows and buying plots of land with private donations to plant native trees on.

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  • Lima's neurodivergent picnic movement is liberating Peruvians from stigma and abuse

    The Peruvian Neurodivergent Coalition organizes picnics for neurodivergent people to gather in a safe, comfortable space. The group also campaigns for the rights of neurodivergent people, working to help them become more understood and accepted in society. The group has even influenced local government, pushing to pass bills that protect autistic people’s rights and prevent stigma and abuse.

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  • Getting off fossil fuels is hard, but this city is doing it — building by building

    The town of Ithaca is working with its local gas utility and area homeowners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by removing gas pipes from homes and businesses by switching them over to electricity, primarily from renewable sources. While the transition is a long process, the town expects to achieve about a 30% reduction in emissions in the next year.

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  • For women in prison, degree program creates new life pathways

    Thanks to a collaboration between Yale University, the University of New Haven, and correctional institutions, women incarcerated in Danbury, Conn. can enroll in a four-year degree program with courses taught inside the prison. There are about 20 students currently enrolled in the program with 12 more expected to be admitted before the summer.

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  • The Black Immigrant Women Who Bought a Minneapolis Mall

    Ignite Business Women Investment Group and the nonprofit African Career, Education & Resources Inc. (ACER) are working together to raise funds to collectively acquire commercial real estate for members of the group and other small businesses — particularly those owned by African immigrants — in the community. Joint efforts allowed members to acquire and revitalize an old strip mall, providing retail space for local small business owners.

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