Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can California's Organic Vegetable Farmers Unlock the Secrets of No-Till Farming?

    A trial experiment with three farmers and several California universities is looking to better understand how to farm with little or no chemicals. No-till farming can boost soil health and better store carbon, but it’s not a perfect system. These farmers are testing how to reduce soil disturbance, use cover crops, and diversify their species of crops, yet so far, they haven’t found much success. “Figuring this all out has been ‘a school of hard knocks,’” says one of the farmers.

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  • How a Seattle Neighborhood Confronted Food Insecurity in the Pandemic

    In the South Park neighborhood of Seattle, community efforts during the coronavirus pandemic have resulted in the creation of a system that battles food insecurity. Spearheaded by the community center, a local non-profit, and a local restaurant, the community has built and expanded a kind of coordinated mutual aid that helps residents maintain access to hot meals and pantry items.

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  • Sharing is Caring: Kenya's Only Breast Milk Bank Expresses Care for Vulnerable Newborns

    To help mothers who aren't able to supply their newborn with an adequate supply of breast milk, a hospital in Kenya has developed a milk bank. At the breast milk bank, new mothers can donate a portion of their supply of milk that is supplied to preterm babies whose mothers have "died or were not present, full-term babies who are sickly and those whose mothers are unable to breastfeed, due to lack of breast milk."

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  • Simple hand-built structures can help streams survive wildfires and drought

    Conservationists, government agencies, scientists, and landowners are working together to restore streams using low-cost solutions from sticks, stones, and even beavers. Restoring these floodplains is important to help communities combat drought and wildfires. In Idaho, scientists relocated nine beavers to Birch Creek so they could help repair the dried-up stream. In three years, the beavers built dams, which helped the creek flow for longer in the summer. This method might not work everywhere, so scientists have also tested stone structures, which also proved effective at improving the ecosystem.

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  • Turtle conservation hits the SPOT in North Cyprus

    Thanks to efforts by the Society for the Protection of Turtles and a band of international volunteers, green and loggerhead turtle numbers in North Cyprus are rebounding. Last year, there were more than 2,400 nests counted, a 10-fold increase since their first survey in 1988. There are still challenges in saving these species due to plastic waste, but more locals are recognizing the importance of turtle conservation.

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  • What WA can learn from Native communities' vaccination plan

    Washington state’s Native communities have led the way in distributing the Covid vaccine to their communities' most vulnerable and are now helping to vaccinate those who are outside of their tribes. Their success is due to a combination of factors, including direct outreach to those who needed the vaccine the most. According to the Seattle Indian Health Board CEO, “That’s the difference between state, county systems and other public health systems They’re not serving people [directly] every day.”

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  • ‘Our biggest challenge? Lack of imagination': the scientists turning the desert green

    A Dutch group of engineers known as the Weather Makers has an ambitious plan to regreen the Sinai Peninsula — the stretch of desert connecting Egypt to the rest of Asia. Their efforts would restore forests, wetlands, and even adjust the weather for the region. This form of ecosystems regeneration could help with food security and mitigate the effects of climate change. Their process of changing an entire ecosystem can be controversial, but initial tests have shown how this could work on a large scale.

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  • This ‘Hygiene Hub' Is Run By People Experiencing Homelessness

    People experiencing homelessness can now access hot showers and bathrooms at the Hygiene Hub. Staff at the Portland initiative include both unhoused paid workers and housed volunteers, all with extensive staff training to help create a safe space so everyone who needs services at the Hygiene Hub feels welcomed.

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  • ‘I thought I was gonna die in prison.' How COVID is opening NC prison gates.

    Three incarcerated people and a coalition of social justice groups sued North Carolina over its prison COVID-19 policies, winning a settlement that is accelerating releases from prison that began at the start of the pandemic. The state's prison population is already 17% lower than it was before the pandemic. Under the settlement, 3,500 more people will be granted early releases, which have begun to occur, under new criteria that changed prison rules to recognize the urgency of getting people away from a virus breeding ground.

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  • Balancing climate, culture, and community: Fiji's relocation challenge

    After a river in Fiji continued to flood, an entire village relocated uphill 2 kilometers away. About two-thirds of the residents participated in this voluntary relocation, which proved effective when a strong cyclone hit the island. Government policies are making it easier for villages to relocate due to climate change; in fact, four have done so already. Balancing the people’s cultural connection to the land and the need to move can be tricky, but as people continue to be displaced, their responses could help inform other coastal communities around the world.

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