Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How active community case search transformed testing in Kano State

    Kano State, once the epicenter in Nigeria for cases of COVID-19, now boasts the highest rate of daily testing numbers after piloting a community-sampling strategy that allowed for mass testing. The pilot was largely possible due to a massive community mobilization effort and resulted in a decline in community transmission.

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  • California May Need More Fire to Fix its Wildfire Problem

    Prescribed burns are considered the best way to contain catastrophic wildfires, and fires sparked by lightning or by Native Americans once burned more land in California than has burned in 2020's record-setting fires. But burning its way out of danger is hardly a simple matter for California now. Obstacles are many. Long-standing policies of aggressive fire suppression, plus climate-change-induced drought and pestilence, have amassed more fuel for fires. Dense populations in fire-prone areas, make for daunting logistical and financial obstacles.

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  • Students lost in the virtual learning shuffle? This school district comes to find them

    In order to reach students who aren’t attending virtual classes during the pandemic, a school district in Sacramento created a program called “Student Find.” If teachers and school administrators can’t reach students who’ve been absent, then school counselors hit the pavement. They go door-knocking in an attempt to make contact with families. “That’s the thing I would encourage other districts to consider,” Reyes says. “If we could all take part responsibility and make it something that’s manageable and doable in other places.”

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  • Teen-run project provides virtual activities, tutoring for kids during the pandemic

    Two teens from Los Angeles created a tutoring program to help supplement education during the pandemic, called the “Covid NineTeen Project.” The project is entirely teen run, from the creators to the mentors. More than 250 tutors provide service to more than 800 elementary schools across 11 countries. “If we were able to achieve this as teenagers in our community, this is something that you can set up on the local level in your community, as well."

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  • This revolutionary housing reform bill out of Portland would bring relief to tons of Philadelphians

    Portland's new policy allowing for multi-family homes resulted from a long campaign of coalition building to address a need for middle-income housing that often gets overlooked in many cities. Although the Residential Infill Project will not take effect until August 2021, its enactment offers cities like Philadelphia lessons in strategic policymaking that overcomes entrenched views at opposite ends of the income and class spectrum, from property owners concerned about declining home values and advocates for low-income housing concerned about gentrification.

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  • ‘Tons and tons of fishing equipment': B.C. tour operators clean up ocean debris during coronavirus pandemic

    Expeditions to clean up debris from the coastline are underway along the B.C. coast after an ecotourism company was forced to stop tours during the pandemic. The project is largely funded by the B.C. government’s Clean Coast, Clean Waters Initiative Fund, and involves five different companies. In just one expedition, 61 tonnes of garbage was collected and removed via volunteers, a helicopter, and a barge.

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  • Health Board: Can't we all just get along?

    When the coronavirus pandemic complicated matters for local government, the Teton County public health office devised a process to enact state mandate that was effective, transparent, and led to rational decision-making. Although discord continued to a degree, the model is still providing guidance to Jefferson County as officials determine "how to best serve the public health interests of its residents."

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  • The New York City Schools That Didn't Close

    In New York City, “regional enrichment centers,” or schools for the children of essential workers, popped up. The centers provided a place where workers, who couldn’t take care of their kids when schools shut down during the pandemic, could send their children to. Nurses, administrators, and officials quickly created a network of these centers. “It was people who were willing to put themselves at risk in order to serve the city. They were just, like, ‘People need us, so we’re here.’” Fourteen thousand families registered to send their children to one of the 93 centers.

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  • Iowa prison population drops to 20-year low

    COVID-19 outbreaks in Iowa prisons have been contained through extensive testing, quarantines, and reductions in prison crowding. The state's prison population hit a 20-year low, down 13% from early April, because of accelerated parole hearings and reductions in new admissions. The state courts' slowdown and the prisons' temporary suspension in new admissions contributed to the population decrease. Since March, four people incarcerated in Iowa prisons have died of the virus while 833 have tested positive. An additional 126 staff have tested positive.

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  • Community colleges pivot to support their vulnerable students

    Community college administrations across the U.S. are helping students continue their education during the pandemic by helping them address basic needs. Cerritos College in Norwalk, California has given away 300 free laptops and already ordered 200 more. Reynolds Community College in Virginia took a targeted approach by focusing on providing technology aid like loaning out computers, setting up internet hotspots in parking lots and, but the pandemic has exacerbated a longstanding struggle for many community colleges across the U.S.—lower federal funding per student when compared to flagship institutions.

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