Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a packed slum in Mumbai beat back the coronavirus, as India's cases continue to soar

    The population of Dharavi, a slum in Mumbai, made the region a hotspot for coronavirus transmission, but local officials' aggressive action plan – which included testing, contact tracing, quarantine, and increased sanitation efforts – helped quell the spread of the virus. Although the process was challenging for local doctors and the shutdown of normal day-to-day routines had a negative impact on the region's economy, Dharavi has already been able to begin the process of reopening.

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  • A.D.A. Now!

    Congress' passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act 30 years ago made life-changing advances for millions of people with all manner of disabilities. Beyond removing physical barriers and opening education, employment, and public accommodations, it also opened minds to see people with disabilities as fully human – a barrier that had existed historically. The protests and lobbying to put a civil rights lens on these barriers as discrimination got the law enacted, but social change is still a work in progress.

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  • Bright Lights and Dark Nights: The Challenge Facing Sea Turtles in the City

    Sea turtle preservation efforts along the Florida coast seek to replace artificial bright lights, which are a deadly hazard that can lead sea turtles astray. Activists launched petitions that successfully pressured two beach towns to correct public lights along the beach and require turtle-friendly lighting in new buildings. Volunteer groups patrol beach front areas to find and report those in violation of the ordinances, who can face a fine. A $10 million settlement from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion helps fund a grant that provides lights and fixtures to about 200 properties.

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  • Black voter mobilization efforts begin to bear fruit

    HeadCount, a voter mobilization group, held registration drives at concerts and other events and collaborated with celebrities, music industry leaders, and athletes to form March on Ballot Boxes (M.O.B.B.), an informal coalition harnessing the activism of the Black Lives Matters movement. They provided voter registration tools such as text messaging and QR codes, which protesters could print and display on their signs. They also partnered with Atlantic Records to launch ATL Votes, a digital registration campaign aimed at young voters. They registered over ten times as many new voters in 2020 than in 2016.

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  • How #HireBlack Is Helping 10,000 Black Women Get Trained, Hired, And Promoted

    A social media post transformed into an initiative to help companies in their search for Black talent. #HireBlack provides a community space where Black women can receive help with their job search, resumes, salary negotiations, and networking while tapping into the recent corporate effort of hiring and retaining Black talent. Over 150 Black women have received coaching and over 1,000 women have been provided with resume help. The objective is to help 10,000 Black women reach their professional goals.

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  • Fighting The Good Fight: Outbreak Lessons From Kerala And Malaysia

    Malaysia and India's Kerala state share a set of positive attributes that helped them contain COVID-19 outbreaks, including early and aggressive responses based on a trust in science, clear public communications, and long-term investments in public health informed by previous epidemics. Both regions began their preparations in January, heeding warnings that others ignored at that point. Their comprehensive responses enlisted their entire governments rather than just public health authorities as they relied on contact tracing, quarantines, and testing to limit illness and death.

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  • These Elite Contact Tracers Show the World How to Beat Covid-19

    After a coronavirus flareup that killed nearly 300, South Korean public health authorities used rigorous contact tracing investigations to prevent a second wave of illnesses. As of July 2020, the country’s new cases had plateaued for two months at less than 10% of their February levels, and only 8% of new cases came from unknown origins, a much lower rate than most other countries. The country’s Immediate Response Team’s work has allowed the nation to avoid disruptive shutdowns by aggressively targeting dangerous hot spots before they spread.

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  • Up close with B.C.'s endangered baby caribou — and the First Nations trying to save them

    To save the dwindling caribou herds in Canada, the West Moberly First Nations and Saulteau First Nations capture pregnant caribou cows from the herd by helicopter and raise them in pens to ensure the calves are old enough to survive in the wild. Within six years, the herd has grown from 36 animals to 95, but there’s still more to do to stabilize the herd.

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  • The Warsaw Ghetto beat an epidemic. Scientists say they know how.

    In 1941 it was predicted that the Warsaw Ghetto would be overwhelmed with typhus cases due to the overcrowding of inmates, but instead this "oppressed community" established a series of health measures that largely kept the caseload much lower than expected. Although the community was arguably more behaviorally motivated to implement strict and aggressive measures due to the conditions they were living under, the case study indicates that "sheltering in place, promoting and enforcing hygiene, and practicing social distancing," does matter when containing a pandemic.

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  • Building community from the inside

    To better serve senior citizens within Montana, the Montana Area Agencies on Aging places an assistant and resource specialist within rural communities so that accessing existing resources is easier and building community-driven programs are better tailored for local residents. The services are often free for residents, with funding provided by local and federal grants. However, the financial stability in the longterm is uncertain because Montana's aging population is growing at an increased rate.

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