Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Bringing a New Vibe to the Classroom

    Some educators and organizations are challenging traditional elementary and high school curricula by incorporating new, more diverse perspectives and texts into lesson plans. Teachers are talking about race and racism and working to empower students from all cultures and backgrounds.

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  • Has one of the Valley's poorest districts figured out how to keep kids in school?

    A school attendance campaign in a rural California district relies on buy-in from a variety of community partners. For instance, administrators supported the construction of a new health clinic next to the school, concentrating multiple key resources on one block and making it easier for parents to access health care for their children.

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  • High School Health Workers? It Works

    In Georgia, where residents of underserved, largely minority neighborhoods lack adequate access to health care services, a program is training local high school students to serve as community health workers equipped to identify chronic illnesses and connect patients with appropriate resources.

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  • Coronavirus outbreak prompts 3M to increase production of face masks, respirators

    The company 3M is working at full capacity to produce as many N85 masks as possible to send to healthcare workers across the nation. They wouldn't give specific numbers but say that production has increased at all of their factories, including the U.S., Asia, Europe, and Latin America. 3M is working with governments and public health officials to put out the masks, but they expect demand to outstrip supply for the near future.

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  • Solving crimes, acing tests, building bridges. What this Fresno school program does right

    A career technical education program in California exposes children to work in fields including biotechnology, business, marketing, and psychology, and has been shown to improve test scores. The twist? The program is run and funded jointly by two districts with widely varying socioeconomic demographics.

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  • The Green Miles

    After strip-mining for coal devastated Kentucky’s forests and planting grass didn’t revive Appalachia’s ecosystems, a federal employee reversed course and spearheaded an ambitious reforestation effort. By planting trees on used mine land, Patrick Angel and his nonprofit Green Forests Work are providing employment for out-of-work miners and are helping prevent frequent flooding. They have planted more than 187 million trees on about 275,000 acres of former min

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  • The Coral Ark That Hopes to Save Florida's Ailing Reefs

    The Coral Rescue Project is trying to save coral reefs, and their newest tool is a series of arks at Nova Southeastern University that will house and study corals that are under threat of a mysterious carribean disease. So far, they have collected 1,747 colonies and are storing them in the arks and at zoos across the U.S.The hope is that ultimately, the reefs can be restored to their ocean home in Florida.

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  • The birth of a movement: how activists are winning the battle to make abortion a right

    In a country with a history of strong religious opposition to abortion, Argentinian pro-choice activists have begun to shift the political landscape around reproductive rights by leveraging young organizers, diversifying their movement, using technology to share information and support, and building visible solidarity through "green" symbolism. To bring Catholics into the effort, organizers emphasize the public health risks of keeping abortion illegal, a rhetoric that has led to government changes such as the creation of a ministry of women, gender and diversity that includes pro-choice activists.

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  • How to help students cope with mental health in schools

    A program developed in Boston's public schools works with students who have missed many days of school as a result of mental health challenges to transition back into the classroom. By providing academic and emotional support, trained counselors encourage students to continue their education.

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  • How to restore a rainforest with a nursery, science and some bat poop

    The Nature Conservation Foundation is working to restore patches of rainforests in India that were degraded due to the expansion of plantations in the region. As the climate crisis continues, rainforests can play a key role in offsetting carbon dioxide emissions. By partnering with plantation companies, conservationists have been able to collect seeds from diverse rainforest tree species to grow in a nursery before planting the saplings in the degraded patches of land. However, the organization cautions against using restoration "as a crutch."

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