Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Indigenous-wildlife ranger collaboration conserves rare Australian rainforests

    Revegetation and fire management practices are helping to preserve Australia’s biodiversity. In Western Australia, collaborative efforts between Environs Kimberley, an environmental NGO, and local rangers from the First Nation communities of the Dampier Peninsula are working to document, conserve, and manage the region’s monsoon vine thickets (MVT). As part of the Kimberley Nature Project (KNP), local rangers employ traditional methods like seasonal burns to allow for revegetation and to reduce the threat of larger bushfires.

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  • Fresno's poorest neighborhood changed the city. How residents took their community back

    Grassroots movements for urban renewal in the Lowell neighborhood of Fresno, California has given power back to the people in the urban planning of their own community. With the help of social media, community members have created a forum between themselves and their city, resulting in 95% less blight and a reduction in crime throughout Fresno.

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  • The failed American Dream: Lessons from Flint's Civic Park neighborhood

    Flint, Michigan's Civic Park neighborhood struggled to make a comeback after the auto industry collapsed in their community. But the city didn't simply accept their failures; they learned from past mistakes and have begun to refuel the economy by incorporating equity, diversity, and several stable economic drivers into the town.

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  • Battle Creek groups and employers work together to make getting a GED easier for workers

    In Michigan, the lack of a GED or high school diploma is often what is standing between motivated workers and good jobs. A partnership between Battle Creek Public Schools, community organizations, and local employers is working to address common barriers, such as transportation, that prevent people from obtaining GEDs.

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  • A Wasteful Life: Rethinking Sustainabilty

    In Kooskia, a rural area in Idaho, local farmers are finding success in working with residents to make sure produce is being used to its fullest. From using the leftover apple chunks from cider-making to feed livestock to relying on neighbor's produce to provide for local businesses, sustainable homesteads are gaining popularity amongst communities.

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  • Rwanda invests in model villages to tackle poverty

    Rwanda is taking a controversial approach to tackling poverty within its borders—literally moving people from rural areas into model villages. On one hand, it alleviates the first markers of poverty: having a roof over one's head, access to infrastructure, running water, etc. But on the other hand, the people moved do not have a choice in the matter and now have to figure out how to build a life in a new community. Some villages have turned out to be more successful than others.

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  • After cyclone Fani, women in a migrant fishing community start resilience fund

    After an unexpected summer cyclone in the Indian state of Odisha, hundreds of women from slums across the region formed a community fund for disaster preparedness. The women all try to contribute 10 rupees per month to the fund, slowly building their security net in case of another natural disaster.

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  • Free the Floodplains!

    There is a unique, homegrown local flood buyout program in Charlotte, NC that helps homeowners on floodplains relocate safely and with financial security. This came as a result of the city and county of Charlotte forming a joint storm water utility in the 1990's, which generated money by fixing aging pipes and other storm water needs—funding the local “Quick Buy” program. This gets the aid to the homeowners much quicker than FEMA money does and has since relocated 650 families and saved $25 million in losses.

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  • Battle to restore Chesapeake Bay provides lessons for Great Lakes

    The Great Lakes region is becoming overtaken by algal blooms, but reduction efforts from past projects are helping to create a guide for a way forward. The Chesapeake Bay Program – a multi-state and multi-agency effort – is proving to be one such model since reporting "reductions in algae growth, and an increasing percentage of water tributaries meeting clean water standards."

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  • Investigative journalists combat Colombia's muzzled press with The League Against Silence

    La Liga Contra El Silencio is an alliance of 16 news organizations and hundreds of journalists in Colombia. It protects journalists against threats, which have the effect of censoring reporting on certain topics. La Liga pools resources for in-depth investigative reporting on stories many journalists fear covering and publishes them using the organization’s name in the byline to protect journalists. About 70 stories that brought to light violence and corruption were published in 2018 and 2019, yet the group has not faced any major threats. It could offer a model for how to report under threat worldwide.

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